Well the bottom off him anyway, monster already lol
This by the way is Berties brother lol

Well the bottom off him anyway, monster already lol
This by the way is Berties brother lol
Physio, what joys they bring hey!!
I think mine now is the best ive had in the last 2 years anyway.
Spent a whole bloody hour with her today, catching up, shifting gunk, and both her an I chuckling. Ok, granted the chuckling was more her realise that I had nebbed noy long before hand and tried cheating my way through the appointment lol, she caught me out by doing my sats and noticing my heart rate was through the roof lol. The following time she chucklrd when I told her I was going to see Jessie J in concert, and she suddenly paniced thinking oh shit, smoke machines!! Then kindly told me not to do my usual trick of sit and wait as I dont think people would appreciate me being on a vent up in Warwickshire lol!! Atleast we were smiling and not having a complete doom and gloom moment lol.
On a nother note *rant alert* my dick dick of a step dad still persists on smoking around me...told my physio about this and she wanted to hit the twat!! She said no wonder my aminophylline levels wont pick up and that each time I start reducing I get readmitted-becuase there is an ass hole living with me!!
Oh, what to do tomorrow!?!. Any thoughts!?!
I got bibic wednesday, clinic thursday, and GP friday after they rang me telling me its about time we got this anemia sorted!! Yummy!! *puke*
Well, TTFN
Firstly id like to rant about the youngest of the step sibling on my mothers side. She is an ultimate cow and I think she should be taught a lesson!!
She rocked out of bed, came down and asked whether her dad had left her money to buy some pop, to which my mum politly said, no...hes been borrowing money if me all week as hes had none.
Mum then kindly drops me at my volunteering job, and when she rocks back hope, the pets are all over the house, all doors are open and back door is unlocked and wide open. She turns round and sees a note from my step sister saying shes got to her sister and will be back when her dads home.
Next thing we know, my step dad is strolling through the door demanding an answer from my mum aaking why she has braught his daughter to tears...WTF!! Shit stirring little cow!! Shes going to get a mouthful from from me when she next rocks up!! No one shit stirs about my mum and making her upset!! Evil cow!!
On another note, just had my GP ring me again...he has told me I am still anemic and will now be taking action to which I need to see him next week!! Joys...
Oh and that my aminophylline level is still low-and that the passive smoking that I am still inhaling as he is still persistently smoking around me, is more than likely making my body not absorbe it as well...so Ive emailed my consultant for support!!
Goodness me, don't you just loooove the drama haha
Well thats me for now!!
Ok, so it would seem someone has stolen my motivation!!
I cant be arsed to do anything!! I wake uo feeling fab and wanting to take the dog for a walk and go do some more volunteering, and then the minutes I start moving my body, lungs in particular decides otherwise and then the motivation disapears!!
I think its the infection draining me completly and I know I should go back to the GP as lungs are so stroppy, but I know they would admit me straight away and to be honest, I really cant be arsed to go back AGAIN!!
And to top the situation off...the damn blood step dad is really pissing me off, he is smoking even more around me and yesterday he decided to spark 3, yes, THREE fags whilst in the car with me!! Hes doing it on purpose now and I dont think he is giving a damn a all. I start to like him when I first moved in here, but now I have decided I really dis like him and think he is thr most laziest man EVER!!
Well theres my little tangent over lol
On a good note, I have decided no matter how stroppy my lungs are by the end of the year I am opening up two ucas applications, one for peads nursing and one for paramedic!! I am determined to train by the time in 25 lol
Well thats all for now!!
Well, had a little shock this morning with the nice early ward round...
Not only do I have pneumonia and crappy asthma, but the doc this morning has decided to tell me that I am basically being drowned by my lungs and they are theoretically suffocating me...Flip, I knew I have gunk but I didnt think a build up could be that bad!!
Damn lungs, cant do bloody anything right!!
Wow ive not bounced in and out this quick in my 18 months of crappiness...
Came out last monday as was getting a little bored and no longer on ivs...and ive been feeling like ive been drowning in gunk from my chest...so my amzing (hmmm) mum deciced to bring me back to hospital!!
By golly its hard with the new docs that dont know you, so much so that the damn doc butchered me and ive got huge bruises and lumps and bumps on my arms from failed venflons and blood gases...damn not had a blood gas this year as managed to avoid them haha
Anyway, thats me for now
Unfortunatly I have been readmitted to hospital with plurisy and pnemonia and deteriorating asthma!! All is now stable but stuck here as its the bank holiday!!
And who enough ramble, something exciting to share now...
...lady next to me casually starts talking and telling me how she cant feel her foot, I look a little concered and explain to her ahe should inform the nurses. The convo went on a little, me guessing she may be a little do dally!!
Next thing I know, the fecking woman pulls her left leg off and sticks it to the side of her saying, definatly cant feel my foot now and start bloody laughing to herself...im not amused, I can officially say ive had the living crap scared out of me!!
Well, something a little cheerful anyway!!
paSince yesterday I habe started coughing and sneezing really really badly and all of a sudden I get this almighty pain in my lung thats there everytime I breathe!!
So off to the GP I go today (well yesterday now) , my sats where shocking, had crap air entry, could hardly breathe and I had this almighty pain!! GP says hmm I think you habe a pnomothorax...me hmm I hope not!!
Next trip, musgrove parks hossie!! Pnomothorax rulled out (thank god for that) but xray shows an infection and fluid on my lung...oh how scrummy-oh and I forgot to mention the yummy temp of 38°, just to put the cherry on the cup cake!!
So here I am admitted to MAU. Usually bloody fab and hot on their toes, until tonight. Fab doctors who both know me extremly well and said if I feel im getting worse in any way to let them know STRAIGHT AWAY...
...So as it happened I started feeling pretty darn cruddy and let my nurse know whos response was (hope your sitting down)
'theres nothing wrong with you, your going home tomorrow, Im not giving you any nebs and you dont need the doc' -well exxxxcuse me!!!
With me being the stroppy patient when Im not being listened to, I get dressed, pack my bag and start getting up to go, funnily the nurse catches me questions what Im doing to which I remind her she told me there was nothing wrong with me!!
She begs me to sit down and suddenly starts popping the nebs -just the doc to arrive, if it happeneds haha
And they say stropping gets you know where!!
Well night all, I have nebs to take!!