Friday, 27 April 2012

Rain Rain Rain...Seems to Dampen People Spirits!!

WOW!! Things still don't seem to have changed much on the smoking note. People still seem to be smoking around me, and half my family no longer seem to be wanting to talk to me also! Seriously, does it have to be like this, surly you want to help me right?!

I am saying this because this time exactly a year ago, I was stubborn and wasn't wanting to go to A&E with having my first ever  major attack that got me admitted for 10 days! I was honestly scared, didn't know what they would do or what would happen! I  cant believe a year has flown by though and all that has happened, is me getting worse and worse as time has gone on! Cheery hey, and I'm still waiting for my referral for Birmingham, I hope its not that much longer!!

My volunteering role on another note is going swimmingly, I absolutely love it! I officially have an email address for the charity and a t-shirt!!! oh little things lol ... stupidly though this week I decided to do two days and in a row, huge mistake as I'm paying for it now, just hope my lungs get better with me having a bit of sleep tonight!

So, as the title mentions rain I guess I best make a little reference two it!! there's lots of it!!! ... and I love it, the fork lightening that we had on Tuesday night was absolutely epic, best ever, I just wanted to get out my camera and try and capture it, unfortunately for me though, I was in the fast lane of the M5 going home... don't think other drivers would have appreciated me stopping suddenly to start taking immense photos! oh and a drought in al this weather...what's going on!?!?!

The one thing I was looking forward to this month also never happened. I was supposed to be getting my last pay from my old job, yes granted it means I no longer have an income, but at lease I would have been able to pay off some of my built up debt...but stupidly I have as of yet still to receive it, somehow I think I wont be getting it in a hurry!

I got Mr Spice, a new home also, and what a mansion it is! he bloody loves it also, although he is being a lazy sod and pooping upstairs and not going downstairs to the toilet!! I have also camped him out with fantastic boredom busters also, so my little man is never going to get bored again hehe

Well, although I have lots and lots to ramble about, I should be off as tea is calling!!



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