Sunday, 29 July 2012
What A Week!!
Unfortunately last Saturday I was rushed into resus having yet another crappy asthma attack, and I have to say the treatment from the Med Reg was bloody shocking. He was more interested in my going to Birmingham and why I hadn't had a plan for when I got to Hospital etc than treating me that he screwed up big time and then got a massive telling off from his consultant early Sunday morning.
Thankfully though (although lungs were still pretty pants) my local hospital allowed me to be discharged on Monday/Tuesday, in time for going to Birmingham Tuesday night.
Me and mum checked into out pretty reasonable hotel, and then went and had tea at Jamie Oliver's resturant which was scrummy.
Our day on Wednesday start a little in 0600 early and we were at Heartlands Hospital for 0830. I was so worried about the day as I didn't know what to expect...I had it in my head that the Consultant would say I don't have asthma and that it was all in my head.
After a mass loads of bloody tests, X-Rays, lung functions and more, we finally managed to meet the "GOD".
He explained that I am now a confirmed brittle asthmatic and I have a hernia which is probably what is causing my mass load of reflux, and is also causing me to aspirate into my lungs, potentially causing the none stop infections. Sadly though he said that he wouldn't be able to operate as lungs are far to crap to be put into that much strain. He also said that I have something growing in the one lung which needs to be monitored as if it gets any bigger then it will start putting pressure on other organs. Along with this, I also have a blockage in both my lungs in the upper half but he's not entirely sure what off yet. Apparently there is more but he doesn't want me to have it all piled on me at once so will let this sink in first. I asked him if I can start reducing meds or have some taken out and he refused and instead put me on another tablet. After all this I was expecting him to say see how that goes and we will see you in 3 months time, but know, he says that he is admitting me for around 2 weeks in September. I was a little shocked!! Still don't know what to make of it all really, trying to get the best ways into my head and sorted out...I guess its a good thing that I have a reasonable idea of what's going on and why, but still a little disheartened that were potentially not going to get things sorted this year.
Well, That being Birmingham, and shattering me physically for ages, Thursday I decided to rest and gander on the computer (as in the family computer not the laptop or my phone) whilst gandering through, I found a piece of writing on there that states how my step families children, bar one all hate me, my mum and my sister, and that my step dad hates both me and my sister. I'm not sure what to do, as I have been told by my consultant I'm not allowed to live on my own, but I know I don't want to live somewhere that I am being hated.
Friday was lush though, as I managed to get out the house and keep my head clear, and was going on an epic journey to Wales with bibic to collect a nice amount of money that a nursery have been raising for the last year...the journey home on the other hand was a little crap as an hour journey ended up taking 4 ... yuk!!
Well that's my week so far....
Friday, 20 July 2012
Take It Steady Whilst I'm away - Yes Mum o_O
I blew that the second night of being on my own as I went to the Jessie J concert, blew it again on the Saturday by going to pride. Okay, so I did take lots and lots of my meds and made sure I nebbed extra when I needed it, but lokking back I'm sure I could have done things a little differently.
Sunday was a typical day of rest to which I stayed in my PJ's, but by the time Monday came round, the "resting" game was back out the window as my friend randomly popped round and we ended up going on a road trip. A bloody good one at that as we ended up driving around Exmoor and landed in a 14th Century pup having a meal and then landed in Lynmouth having ice cream. Eventually getting home at about midnight.
Tuesday was a semi relaxing day in that I just done a lot of washing and tidying up after my manic weekend, but then I had my GP ring me to ask if I was ok, and then decided to drop on me that my Kidneys still arn't picking up and I'm still in renal failure, oh and that 10 weeks later I still have pneumonia - no wonder my peak flow isn't picking up and I'still needing nebs and pred as if its going out of fashion.
Wednesday was back out and about, and I met up with some school friends that I haven't seen in four years. It was good, but wow some people never change...ended up leaving the one pub and landing in another meeting another friend. Had a MASSIVE roast, and then stayed nattering for much so the pub closed up and started hoovering around us - oops!!
A little of an early start ready for bibic (after arriving home at 1am the night before) and I just about managed to survive a few hours of working. I was bloody shattered but had fun as I was profiling rich people who have donated to the charity before and may be able or willing to do so again, felt like I was apart of the FBI lol.
Today I've been to bibic again, but a little boring today in ust doing charts, but I guess you cant have everything everyday hey!!
Now, what to do over the weekend?! REST I think, so it makes it look like I have when mum rocks up on Monday!!
5 More days to go till Birmingham also!! The nerves are defiantly kicking in now!!
Well, now that I have rambled again, I should be.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Jessie J
It started off on a road trip, getting a little lost as I got distracted by the sheep on the bridge on the motorway and I missed the turning...oops lol
Arriving at Warwick castle we start queuing at 12 lunch time!! We finally get into the fast track section at 4pm (thought I would pay a little more to skip the massive que as there was 20,000 people)
1830 came and we managed to actually get let in and we were around 10 lines back from the stage!! EPIC!!
Two hours of supporting acts ... wow that took the michael, my back was in half before the concert properly got started!!
And then dun dun dun JESSIE J arrived, she was bloody ace, one to see again. She sang well, and connected amazingly with the crowed!!
She spotted Becky Hill inthe audience and dragged her on stage and the sand Price tag together, took two attempts as Becky got the words wrong, then Jessie Got the words wrong, was so funny!!
Once the concert had eventually finished - an hour late, we had to hunt out my car and drive back!! Because I was bloody starving we stopped at the nearest services and had Mcdonalds at 1 am...gutted they hadnt started the breakfast by this point lol!!
We got back to my friends house at roughly 3am to be up at 7 as we was then off to pride in Bristol...and I had to pick up two of my other friends en route lol...S club was at pride...and i say s club and not s club 7 as there was on three of them haha
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Life As We Know It!!
I had to go back to the orthopaedic clinic last Friday, and they told me that I have a Grade three tear in my tendons and ligaments from when I fractured it all those 6 weeks ago. The down side being that I cant have surgery because of my asthma being so unstable so I have to continue wearing a new kind of splint to keep things remotely stable...lets just say the splint last 24 hours and I got bored of it, and then 24 hours later I realised if I don't wear it I may not get full function back in my wrist, so I promptly put it back on :)
Monday brought a bit of awkward laughter as I wasn't sure whether it was a god thing or not. I was stood around the corner at the GP surgery and was having my usual cough when I heard someone called my name. I couldn't see a sole so went round the corner and asked how the heck they new it was me, to get an answer of "recognised your cough". Bloody great hey, not my presents, or smell or it actually being me...but my cough lol
Went and visited my sister on Tuesday to give her her Birthday presents and went and had a coffee and cake!! YUM YUM YUM
Today, well I just want today to have never happened. I had this annoying though in my head of 'must go and check the car today, don't do it tomorrow'. So I started doing al the usual checks ready for driving to Jessie J on Friday, when I notices my car is leaking water...bloody great, so I rush round al the garages in the local area, and they cant get me in until tomorrow morning at least, pushing it or what lol.
Early start for me tomorrow for getting to the garage before 9am!!! what the heck, im normally just crawling out of bed at that time :) ... then I have to try and shoot back across town to have bloods taken, collect my meds ready for the night away, and pack!!! oooo sssooooo excited!!
and dun dun dun, Friday brings Jessie J!! car or no car, I will be going haha followed by pride on Saturday, I am going to be absolutely shattered by the time I get back on Saturday Night!!
OOO I forgot to say, I got my self a new neb machine, which had been named Thomas (for Thomas the tank engine) and Tank for dire emergencies lol.
2 more weeks till I shoot off to Birmingham also to see if I can kick these lungs into action!! Its all go at the moment lol
Thursday, 5 July 2012
lil tinx lol
m y darn blogger wont let me reply to ur comment!!
but what i wanted to put was, yes u gotta do it in style lol but all in all if step family hadnt of been such jerks then i wouldnt have left the hiuse so quickly with no meds and the situation wouldnt of happened!!
and yeah huge amounts of chances since we last spoke, wish they would hurry with the AUK pm system, got lots to catch up on lol
Monday, 2 July 2012
A Typical Night For Me
So, Ive had a few messages asking what it is actually like for me when evening hits, so I thought Inwiuld give it to you in brief!!
By about 2030, I am absolutly shattered so get my hot choc and make my way to my room. Whilst the hot choc is cooling, I get all my nebs ready fir now and over night and all my tablets ready.
Whilst they are going through, I am entertained by the virtual world, and no I dont mean porn, I mean blogger, facebook, song pop and draw something. Oh and my kindle!!
I eventually manage to actually fall asleep around 2200 depending on how awake I then be awake everu 2-3-4 hours depending on my lungs...
I am then wide awke by around 630ish needing all my morning meds and to clear the built up gunk over night!!
Heres a photo of my pre bed meds!!

Bit Of Excitment
What a week it has been!!
Had physio last monday, and a jalf hour appointment turned into an hour appointment, not just for physio but through nattering away also!
Tuesday started off with me paying a visit to the loveRly GP again as I was thinking the infection was still there. High teps, lots of coughing, lots of gunk and plummeting peak flows. GP confirms and sends me packing with another script and a sputim pot-the lab must be getting fed up with seeing my name haha.
Also whilst at GP, he decides to drop the bomb that I am bleeding internally somewhere, probably a result of the steroids and has wacked me on iron tablets ...yum
By tuesday night id just about had enough of my day and finally sat my arse down, to low and behold have my step dad light a fag and blow the smoke in my face. So on went my shoes and out for a walk I go.
Some walk I had...
Turned out my nightmare of a day wanted to continue, as a drunk man wanted to 'just take his shopping trolley into the canal' and start drowning.
So a bunch of us ran around trying to find a life boy (all of which was empty) untill i found one eventually half a mile away!!
Just get it back to the man, to which the police had rocked up, and I go into a full blown asthma attack. With having stormed out the house rather rapidly, I had no nebs on word-muppet!!
Paramedics were called from the now not drowning man and came to see me as the police were a tad worried about me.
Drunk man tells the 20+ emergency service crew to 'piss off' and ended up going to the cell for the night...I on the other hand have a trip to resus then HDU!! Bloody great hey, paramedic was great though, although he was annoyed that he was missing grand designs...I wrote on my phone to him that I would apologies, but I couldnt bloody talk lol!!
So a few lush night in hospital again!!
Managed to escape on Friday with a strict plan, and a bombshell of - your now in renal failure!! Bloody great...could much more go wrong this week!?
YES!! Thats the simple answer!!
No sooner do I get home that my step family start hasseling me saying how ungreatful I am for disrespecting their dads hospital, and all of the previous crap they have said. I then find out that they are stalking menand following me every move around town and on facebook, so now ive had the loveRly job of setting up a new account!!
Today, well ive literally been resting, and tomorrow I have to have another blood test to see if I have celiac disease!!
Geeze it just goes on!! So all in all a very shit week!! Apart from me saving a man!! Yippi lol
Well thats a rap!!