Sunday, 29 July 2012

What A Week!!

Towards the end of my mums holiday, she decides to ring me and tell me she has gone and got herself a puppy, to which she has named Mowsle. She is absolutely lush, apart from constantly wanting to eat my toes.

Unfortunately last Saturday I was rushed into resus having yet another crappy asthma attack, and I have to say the treatment from the Med Reg was bloody shocking. He was more interested in my going to Birmingham and why I hadn't had a plan for when I got to Hospital etc than treating me that he screwed up big time and then got a massive telling off from his consultant early Sunday morning.

Thankfully though (although lungs were still pretty pants) my local hospital allowed me to be discharged on Monday/Tuesday, in time for going to Birmingham Tuesday night.

Me and mum checked into out pretty reasonable hotel, and then went and had tea at Jamie Oliver's resturant which was scrummy.

Our day on Wednesday start a little in 0600 early and we were at Heartlands Hospital for 0830. I was so worried about the day as I didn't know what to expect...I had it in my head that the Consultant would say I don't have asthma and that it was all in my head.

After a mass loads of bloody tests, X-Rays, lung functions and more, we finally managed to meet the "GOD".

He explained that I am now a confirmed brittle asthmatic and I have a hernia which is probably what is causing my mass load of reflux, and is also causing me to aspirate into my lungs, potentially causing the none stop infections. Sadly though he said that he wouldn't be able to operate as lungs are far to crap to be put into that much strain. He also said that I have something growing in the one lung which needs to be monitored as if it gets any bigger then it will start putting pressure on other organs. Along with this, I also have a blockage in both my lungs in the upper half but he's not entirely sure what off yet. Apparently there is more but he doesn't want me to have it all piled on me at once so will let this sink in first. I asked him if I can start reducing meds or have some taken out and he refused and instead put me on another tablet. After all this I was expecting him to say see how that goes and we will see you in 3 months time, but know, he says that he is admitting me for around 2 weeks in September. I was a little shocked!! Still don't know what to make of it all really, trying to get the best ways into my head and sorted out...I guess its a good thing that I have a reasonable idea of what's going on and why, but still a little disheartened that were potentially not going to get things sorted this year.

Well, That being Birmingham, and shattering me physically for ages, Thursday I decided to rest and gander on the computer (as in the family computer not the laptop or my phone) whilst gandering through, I found a piece of writing on there that states how my step families children, bar one all hate me, my mum and my sister, and that my step dad hates both me and my sister. I'm not sure what to do, as I have been told by my consultant I'm not allowed to live on my own, but I know I don't want to live somewhere that I am being hated.

Friday was lush though, as I managed to get out the house and keep my head clear, and was going on an epic journey to Wales with bibic to collect a nice amount of money that a nursery have been raising for the last year...the journey home on the other hand was a little crap as an hour journey ended up taking 4 ... yuk!!

Well that's my week so far....



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