Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Doesn't Time Fly By?!

I was just looking at the latest blog I posted to make sure I didnt repeat anything and wow it has been a long time since I last had a ramble at you all!!

So, since we last chatted (theoretically...) I have:

Been doing my usual crap of sitting on me rear trying to breathe, I have also been going back and forth to physio to help with my crazy muscle weakness, which I have to say is going well, but it is really hurting and causing me to be mega exhausted muscle wise for the rest of the week!!

On a good note though, I have been very busy visiting people and doing stuff as I fear that I have been out of hospital a little while now so I pretty sure I'm going to splat soon and I could do it rather well!!

So, last weekend I went down and picked out the lovely other half form work and met a few everyone, that she works with, which I have to say was a little bit nervy on the old body as there was about 15 of them, but I done it so there one section of friends complete lol.
Saturday night, we sat and watched a few horror films which I actually crapped myself with [I prefer a good old disney film if im honest lol]
Sunday morning we made pancakes and munched on them in bed which was amazing, and when we eventually got up, we went to the Eden project which looked stunning all christmassy with all the lights on. I also managed to get us both on the temporary ice skating rink that was there, but flipping heck my lungs and muscles didnt half play me up for it!! On the evening we went out for a meal and had the fatest munch ever, we rolled into bed...literally haha
Fianlly Monday...we were aiming to go to port isaac as I wanted to go to the home of Doc Martin, but when I pulled up in the car park, it was raining, the sea was in and I really didnt want to get cold and wet, so we went to the next little town over and got some portable lunch and found another little town called rock where we sat in the car, munched at could watch the sea in the warm!! In true style, I managed to get us lost on the way back though which I have to say was rather funny!! I finally left Cornwall at 2230 and got home around 1240 *shatter.com*

0600...yup you read right, that crazy time in the morning, I was awake as mum had a hospital appointment that I promised I would run her too...she said we had to leave by 7!! So there I am, up readed, medicated and rearing to go...kind of. Then mum rocks into my room and says "whoops I got the time wrong,we could have had an extra hour in bed"....you what, thanks mum!! Ah well, atleast we wasnt rushing around at last minute lol!!

We finally get back just in time for me to go to physio, once that was finished, I had a quick power nap, as then was off to Bristol to see my dad briefly, and then off to the Besties house for the night.

0500 (i swear these times are getting earlier) me and the bestie are awake as...we are off to London!! Our initial intentions was to be getting a new piercing, but after getting there and wondering around for anhour and a half and not being bale to find the shop I got pissed off and refused to keep looking. We ended up going to harrods to buy coffee, M&M world to buy absolutly anything...to which I did, but it was great, who knew you could spend so much time in just one shop...and then, we went to TGI fridays for a munch, followed by the rainforest shop before making our way home. Oh that was after we had to wait for our stupidly delayed coach argh!! Lets say, we slept the whole way home haha.
Thursday morning we were up by about 0930 (thankfully a day with a normal hour) and within an hour I was on my way home-ish. Via a flower shop and then via nan and grandads graves to re make their new homes look remotely good!!

Well, I have to say, I think that that has been my fun filled few days/weeks!! busy hey!! Im pretty sure I will keep you all posted on the next few lot of adventures!!



Saturday, 8 December 2012


I was reading a post by someone I follow and I have to say, I chuckled a lot and really had to share it...but didnt want to take the gratitude for it. So here it is!!

"The new release of iTunes has had me thinking about playlists. I'm largely bored by playlists, I'm sure that we all have them - playlists called 'At the Gym', or 'Walking to work', maybe 'In the bath', or even just 'Happy', 'Sad', or 'Romantic'.
I have playlists organised by decade, '80's', 90's and so on.
I think that we need a new way to think about playlists, one that will spark imagination rather than to just be a way of organising our tracks.
What sort of music would you put in the playlist 'My Nemesis is Dead at My Feet'?, how about 'Songs to play at my funeral', or even better 'Songs to *never* be played at my funeral'. What about playlists like 'Drinking champagne on the top of a tower block while pissing over the edge'? 'Being chased by remnant KGB assassins'? 'Songs that I sing aloud to when I'm drunk and alone'? Or even 'On discovering that I'm not actually human'?
How about 'Songs to commit serial murder by', or the more prosaic 'Soundtrack for my favourite book'?
What would be in your '24 hours until the planet explodes' playlist, or the much happier 'A meteorite wipes out the houses of parliament while every damn MP is in the building'?
What would be your playlist for 'Finally Achieve Godhead'?
Come on folks, let's be a bit more creative than 'Relaxing Toonz'."