Friday, 29 August 2014

Rock Bottom Has Hit

Following the rubbish moments from the last few days, today just tops it off.

Downstairs eating breakfast and the phone rings. We think nothing of it because it wasnt for us. My partners dad comes in saying its the council, they had been offered a house. Of course we didnt believe him because theyve been bullshitting for weeks now stating they have been offered places...untill my partners mum comes in still on the phone and it turns out this time they were actually telling the truth.

We had to go out to collect medications and to collect our thoughts about what the heck we were going to do.

On our return home, threre was post. Post from the council for me and my partner. We opened it in anticipation as it was the result from out tribunial with medical letters to make us a higher priority...BUT theyve refused us again. I mean how much worse can mental games, drug errors and self harming be and thats just a very small amount of whats going on.

To be honest we are screwed. My partners parents wont talk to us since theyve been home so we have no idea if they are actually taking this house or not.

The ironik thing is, 3 weeks ago, they refused to ring the council telling them we cant live her anymore as they couldnt cope. They didnt want to take our home away...yet behind our backs theyve been bidding on properties and now potentially making us homeless in a different way.

Weve got another 28 days to send our result to tribunial again so we are hunting for more evidence for us needing to go. I have also wrote a 2 page letter to our local MP to see if he can help.
Ive also been hunting the net for anyone else who can help and ive actually stumbled across a housing association company that specifically helps the young, disabled, frail and mental health community members with housing issues so ive emailed them our situation and im praying they can help  too.
Time shall tell




  1. Oh blimey! How much more stress do theywwant to give you! Hopefully the housing association will know what can be done and be able to help you xx

    1. We found out last night that theyve moved to the next stage and asked to see the inside so looks like they r going ahead. But we only found out because we asked as we were fed up with being left in the dark else i dont think they would have said xx
