Saturday, 31 December 2011

Memo To Ones Tired Brain

Note to ones tired brain...when trying to sneak down starid to watch bridesmaides whilst trying to avoid waking up the rest of the house hold, maybe next time I should:

-Not carry 6 pillows, a blanket, neb machine, nebs, phone, phone charger, blanket and book all at once,

- Get to the last two steps after miss counting and fall down them, dropping all the above trying

- Try to get up and stand on the foot of my all in one pjs and fall back over again, re dropping all of the above,

- Turn on the wrong switch for the downstarid light and accidently turn on the upstairs one

- Go to make a hot drink, pull the door to and forget that cats can now suddenly open doors and then run upatairs leaving me having to fight with them on the landing to try and get them back into the kitchen

- And finally, waking the cat up so much that when I shut them back in the kitchen they then decide they want to attack the kitchen door as they want to get out...

I apologies now mum if I woke you!!! BUT dont blame me, this is all because of the lungs lol

Well one big memo for me to remember lol    

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Rant Alert, Rant Alert!!

Great, I have a clinic appointment today and looking forward to getting some answers and some help for my flare up yet again!!

God wasnt I mistaken!!!

Instead I get the "your Nitric Oxide is more raised that last time but im not to worried" ... "your on maximum treatment so im not sure what else it is we can do at this stage" ... "everything you are saying points to your asthma flaring up, BUT we dont want to increase anyhting major right now, we would like you to be a little worse so to speak before we jump on you with IV's etc" ... and on exiting the room "lets keep out fingers crossed you dont get admitted withint he next couple of days" ... my passing comment to him being, well shall we jump on it now then to prevent me from being admitted..."yes I guess you could increase your steroids now to air on the side of caution"

so on another note, as I seem to be treating myself and telling myself when to increase, decrease and alter my meds, can the government pay me instead of my consultant as I seem to be doing all the work!!??

well, unless I get captured within the next few days, I will be seeing him in two weeks time. In the mean time on the other hand, it seems that I will be continuing to have no sleep, be coughing my right lung up whilst my left lung falls out my arse as I walk and struggle to breathe!!

All healthy in the world of lungs and asthma.

the other great comment of the clinic appointment was:
cons: "are you taking your steroids daily like prescirbe"
me: "yes daily"
cons: "oh becuase you dont seem to have gained enough weight considering you are on such high doses for a long time"
mum: "I can assure you that she has been taking her medication, and I can bring in photos over the past few months that shows her face change if I must"
cons: "oh, sorry, I believe you then"

am bloody glad of that Mr Cons, as im not popping these pills for the sure hell of it!!!

Well as I say, RANT ALERT! but it is now over so back to happy old me!!


Tuesday, 27 December 2011

What a Week!

Christmas has been and gone, and the new year is on the horizon and what is on my mind...


it has been a long hard struggle this past week just to remain out of hospital...nebbing has become a second nature of natural-ness, ive had less sleep now than I have in the past few months and I cant see it getting better any time soon!

On a good note, I have the new difficult Asthma clinic tomorrow, fingers crossed they can figure out what is going on and try and get on top of things, without admitting me that is!!

So for Christmas, Santa braught me: a breadmaker, spice rack, clothes, pj's, books, dvds, smellies, and lots of little nick nacks! thank you so much mummy and daddy santa, very much appreciated!!!

On another bad note, some turd drove into my PARKED car on Christmas eve!! What an ARSE!! All I can say is, they must have been drunk, and left me with the damage!!

I also got my letter from my Consultant allowing me to go back to work in the new year so im chuffed with that, work hope your prepared for me!! im so excited!

wow hasnt there been some good films on this christmas on tv, utterly amazing!!

All in all, this year has been...erm...uh...different! and I wouldnt like to re-live it again next year!!

Merry Christmas!!


Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Well with it being winter I guess I expect to have a cold, but as ive now had them continuosly all year ive really had enough of them, and it doesnt really feel like a cold has set in, but one is definatly brewing!! :(

The last three nights I have had little to no sleep, Ive had more nebs than anything, and I feel knackered. Mum says I look really pale and man, it feels like my asthma is really taking the full effect of it again! the pain in my lungs is intense and there is some pretty bits of gunk leaving my chest!

I really dont want to have to contact my consultant as im scared they will admit me to hospital again and keep me in and I really dont want to be in over christmas as well as ive missed all my families birthdays this year already!

I just want to crawl up into a ball and let the word pass me by and that I pick up now more bugs!!! sad times!!! :'(

Sunday, 18 December 2011

One More Week To Go

What a loveRly weekend it has been to, hows yours been?

So far this weekend I have done boring stuff like cut Mr Spice's nails and give him cuddles, but then I have also done some exciting stuff to!

Yesterday I had the most laziest duvet day ever, and all weekend I have watched every christmas movie put on tv so far!

I met a lush man on line, who makes me smile all the time, and was so excited when I had a message from him first thing this morning!!!

and I have also spent time with my mum putting up 3 cabinates for her living room, wish she had dusted the stuff on the od shelfs first, could have prevents my lungs from going splat and needing nebs post it!

On a weird note though, my asthma has been playing weird games with me, I have developed some strange pain inbetween my shoulder blades that can move down to my lower lungs, and it is making me very short of breath and chest! I certainly hope it doesnt move into an infection!!


Thursday, 15 December 2011

What A Week!!!

And...I thought I was doing well. Nearly 6 weeks of no asthma attacks, just been agreed to go back to work, and bang, I have another attack!! how mean are my lungs!!!???

To top it of, I get told by my resp nurse, we told you that when you were in a and e you had to get someone from resp team to review you, to which I reminded him that if he looked in my notes, he would see I followed the plan and that I did!!! GGGRRR

Also, I had a friend have a go at me because I didnt tell them I was in hospital...what the heck, I didnt even tell my dad I was in let alone all my friends!!!

BUT on a lighter note, xmas next week!! yippi!!!!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

What A LoveRly Week So Far!

I have to say the title is a bit of an understatement and a tad sarcastic!

There was me thinking the reduction in steroids was going amazing well untill...I kept waking up with headaches, some would go, others would get worse!

Thoughts that were running through me head...Tumor, so I went straight to GP and questioned them, and they told me to keep a diary and go back in a week!

BUT amongst the pain within my head, thankfully it still ticks along as I remember I was reducing my steroids a few months ago and had real bad problems and my symptoms were similar!

So straight onto the emails to my resp team I go, told them all the symptoms AND ... they checked my most recent blood test that they completed and it all married up, my adrenal glands arnt picking back up now that im nearly off the steroids...oh what a long process this is going to be!

As if having asthma wasnt bad enough, but I now have to contend with headaches, nausea, dizziness and really bad pain in my muscles!! blinking great!!!

On a lighter note, I went to Chew Valley lakes yesterday with my friend and it was blinking lush!!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

My First Weekend Of December 2011!!

What an exciting weekend its been!

First it started off with my returning to work meeting which as you know was better than expected, then I travelled to my daddy's and we went to ASDA, how hilarious that was, I think my dad and step mum spent about and extra £20 through rubbish I kept chucking in the trolley such as ginger bread men, straws and god knows what else!! good old chuckle though!

Satruday and raring to go...well slightly! a trip to glastonbury with a good old friend was on the agenda, and despite getting a little lost on our journey, we managed to park up and then walked up the tor! and my god I had to stop about 5/6 times trying to breathe and then struggled at the top...inhaler and nebuliser in my pocket ready!! Then we lost my friends dog who desided she wanted to run back down from the tor and then back up again! CRAZY!!!

Had the most amazing hot chocolate at the bottom of the tor and then went shopping and got some hot choc and a new bag for myself! Aboslutly lush!!

Then I got lost from my friends going back to my dads! Who knew the ring road could get so complicatd, a 20 minutes jounrney turned into a 50 minutes journey! All good!!!
Then to end the night me and my pops whatched a good old film on channel 4! made my day 100% cool!!

God did I not want Sunday to arrive, my lungs were chucking a good old strop with me for over doing it the day before! (they will just have to learn that if they dont get their own way, they cant constatnly throw a paddy lol :D) ... then I got some free meat at the market! paid  loveRly visit to my step mums folks house! And then had a road trip back to bridgwater to my mummies house! And I can safely say, I am 10000% knackered and ready for bed!!

best highlights of the weekend: Getting a 2ft tree and ball balls from my dad and step mum. Getting a mini tree that lights up from my car cigerette lighter thingy. buying a jumper for my rabbit so that he doesnt get cold. Walking up the tor. Buying hot choc that is attached to the spoon. Oh and getting my second advent calender! a Peppa Pig one!!! YIPPI!!!!!


Friday, 2 December 2011

Todays little adventure!

Well, it stated at 7am...yes SEVEN IN THE MORNING!!! and that wasnt due to my alarm clock, it was my step sister's, god only knows as to why that early, becuase she then left it playing for half an hour before she turned it off!!!

Then after going about my usual morning of brekkie and meds, I packed for my dads!!! (and the dreaded meeting at work)

Before all that though, I had managed to walk into my car whilst loading it all into the own fault I wasnt looking where I was going at all! Then I broke my camera case, and then the file holder thingy that holds all your documents decided to break open...oh joyous!!!

AND... the went better than I thought to be honest! I get to keep my job as long as my consultant can provide the appropriate letter to ensure that I have a safe return! and I have to be able to manage my stage return when I eventually get stuck back yippi im happy!!

Then I went to the cemetry and visited my nan and grandad!!

Went shopping and purchased all the wrong things...bang goes my healthy eating lol and now sat on my bottom watching deal or no deal...what an adventure!!!


Thursday, 1 December 2011


So I have been off work for 7months now because of rubbish asthma. I no longer get sick pay as it has all ran out and I have a BIG meeting at work tomorrow morning with my boss and HR to see if I can still keep my job!

Im absolutly dreading it and dont want to wake up in the morning!!!

My Life As Ive Known It So Far!

Before I Knew It,

Im guessing it all started around the summer of 1990, when my parents decided to make me. (I wonder if they ever wander what if?) On the 11th Feb 1991 I arrived early (according to my mum, I would just say she was bad at maths.)

Three months down the line, my mum started to notice my breathing was a little er not normal shall we say, so she took me to the doctors and they diagnosed me as Asthmatic. And then the troubles began of trying to get a three month old baby to take her meds. Sorry mum!

Remembering The Small Amounts From A Young Age,

Generally as a child I would say I was accident prone, from the cut on my finger for stupidly riding my skateboard down a hill with someone on it with me, falling off and cutting my right little finger on some glass. Riding my three wheeler down a lane and cracking my knee open (clearly once doing this wasn't good enough though and I had to do it again a few months later) resulting in a scar on my knee looking like the UK. The there was the riding my bike to close to my friends, not realising she used her brakes and resulting in me fliping over the handle bars and cracking my chin. Um the jumping off the play roof at a park on holiday and spraining my ankle, result got a piggy back, back to the main site! Fraturing my wrist by being pushed off a wall. Fracturing my foot on a trampoline (admittedly not my fault though, that was a twit jumping on whilst i was on and I caught my foot in the springs...ouchie!), erm I had a log swung around my head on a camp once resulting in a ditch I can feel on my head! Im sure as a child I did a lot more stupid stuff...but then my sister did worse, she got her head stuck between the hand rail on the landing!!! hahaha!!! Oh I nearly forgot the time I decided to cut my leg open in the back garden when mum told me to p*ss off as she was having an important conversation with my Daddy-kins, only lasted a few minutes and I came in screaming with blood pouring out of my leg. Always my dad nearly being sick in the sink, and my mum putting a lovely bandage on my leg, to which the paramedic cut off as soon as they got there as they needed to see the injury lol. Sadly though a few years later I was getting lots and lots of pain, and after stupid amounts of MRI scans they had found a tumor, benign thank god, but I still had to have an operation, and they couldnt remove it all.

At the Age of 17 not long after passing my driving test, I had a car coming at me resulting in me flippng my car and being pulled out by some fantastic passers by (I think this was the first time I properly scared my family) took me a year to get back behind the wheel again after that!

Aged 20, I stoooopidly missed a step, yeah you read right, ONE SINGLE STEP, resulting in me breaking my foot, what-a-twonk!

wow all the injuries, im proudly going to say, I am 100% worried about the rest of my life!!

The Asthma,

This is another story, all together, about 5 years ago it started to go down hill! More than likely through the bullying that I suffered (funny now becuase most of the nit wits chat to me on Facebook!) whilst at Senior school, made things very difficult especially during sport activities where I couldnt keep up doing the track events etc...still done my best and took sport as a GCSE and was determined to make sport my best ever subject at school and to this day!

Well after many years of increasing meds and no realy stabilisation and minor attacks, there was only a matter of time before my first big attack came at college, to which i managed to stablise without hospital treatment...ticking time bomb...two years later, I landed myself a 10 day stay in hospital after my first major major attack!!! since then, the whole of this year has consisted of me bouncing in and out of hospital. I think to date this year alone I have had 16 admissions, 5 to ITU, 1 needing the ventilator and Bipap...and I have to say this year has to be the worse for it and I have really hated the whole not being able to work, live on my own and not being able to breathe like a "normal" person!!!

Currently still have weekly appointments at the clinic so will keep you posted!

The Family,

The Grandfolks ... Sadly my one Grandad past in '95, the second Grandad past in '02, and my Nan passed on my 13th birthday. I still have one Nan alive and I love her to bits!!

The Folks ... Both utterly unique, and a big help in their own ways! They split, in my second year of college (prob the best thing to happen as the enviornment wasnt one of a couple in love anymore!)

The pops then moved on and has since remarried, and my step mum has got threee iggle piggles off her own!

The mum has also moved on and my step dad has got four kids of his own and 4 grand children...

and of course I have my loverly sister!!!

wow my family grew from 4 to 17 within a matter of months!!!

The Educational Department:

Well, everyone loves the infants and junior school. I made some of the mose amazing friends there, some onf which I am still in contact with now! The most memerable moments were when i forgot my P.E kit...remember having to do it in your pants and vests?!?! Bet you wouldnt get that now!!

Then there was the senior years, still making more and more amazing friends! Although going through the rough patches of bullying...but all I can say is it made me who I am today! Managed to scrape together all the GCSE's I needed to get into college!

Fresh start at a college where I knew absolutly noone!!! GREAT!!! absolutly loved it!!! managed to knuckle down, leave the crappy bits of my past behind me and I managed to pass with a Distinction! go me!!

Then I applied for Uni go into Surrey, But took a gap year as I managed to get a fantastic job at the local childrens hospital!!! best experience of my life! and have Since applied to go to Uni again to study Paramedic Science!! fingers crossed for me!!!

Well thats me in a nut shell!!! More to follow on a regular basis!!!
