Tuesday, 27 December 2011

What a Week!

Christmas has been and gone, and the new year is on the horizon and what is on my mind...


it has been a long hard struggle this past week just to remain out of hospital...nebbing has become a second nature of natural-ness, ive had less sleep now than I have in the past few months and I cant see it getting better any time soon!

On a good note, I have the new difficult Asthma clinic tomorrow, fingers crossed they can figure out what is going on and try and get on top of things, without admitting me that is!!

So for Christmas, Santa braught me: a breadmaker, spice rack, clothes, pj's, books, dvds, smellies, and lots of little nick nacks! thank you so much mummy and daddy santa, very much appreciated!!!

On another bad note, some turd drove into my PARKED car on Christmas eve!! What an ARSE!! All I can say is, they must have been drunk, and left me with the damage!!

I also got my letter from my Consultant allowing me to go back to work in the new year so im chuffed with that, work hope your prepared for me!! im so excited!

wow hasnt there been some good films on this christmas on tv, utterly amazing!!

All in all, this year has been...erm...uh...different! and I wouldnt like to re-live it again next year!!

Merry Christmas!!


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