Saturday, 31 December 2011

Memo To Ones Tired Brain

Note to ones tired brain...when trying to sneak down starid to watch bridesmaides whilst trying to avoid waking up the rest of the house hold, maybe next time I should:

-Not carry 6 pillows, a blanket, neb machine, nebs, phone, phone charger, blanket and book all at once,

- Get to the last two steps after miss counting and fall down them, dropping all the above trying

- Try to get up and stand on the foot of my all in one pjs and fall back over again, re dropping all of the above,

- Turn on the wrong switch for the downstarid light and accidently turn on the upstairs one

- Go to make a hot drink, pull the door to and forget that cats can now suddenly open doors and then run upatairs leaving me having to fight with them on the landing to try and get them back into the kitchen

- And finally, waking the cat up so much that when I shut them back in the kitchen they then decide they want to attack the kitchen door as they want to get out...

I apologies now mum if I woke you!!! BUT dont blame me, this is all because of the lungs lol

Well one big memo for me to remember lol    

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