Friday, 6 January 2012

2012 So Far!

How was your new year?! Mine was amazing! NOT!

I was admitted again to hospital, my trip to A and E was, well urm a little different!

It satarted of with a very aragant A and E doctor fly past my in Resus, told me my sats were fine, I had no wheeze and that there was nothing wrong with me, an hour later I was our of resus and in a side room! (GREAT!)

Then a another Doc can to reveiw me and he listen to my mum for my past history to which he went 'ooooooooo' (made my chuckle thats for sure) he did a blood gas, which was shocking and I got moved back round by Resus.

Then I had the Med Reg on call revie me, by this point it was now midnight, poopers and cheers throughout the A and E depeartment! (what joy!). Med Reg remembered me very well from last time and was just as cocnered, as my sats were crap, my blood gas was crap and my air entry was urm CRAP! (so much for nothing being wrong with me)

At just gone 1 am I was moved to MAU where the Med Reg promised my mum he would look after me, and well lets just say he kept his promise, I have never met a Doctor look after me so well, he told the nurses to pop in on my every half hour and he was there every hour without fail checking on me, giving me extra meds and  stabbing me with needles.

Unfortunatly, I took a turn for the worse and by about 5am I was being rushed to ITU!

I had a loveRly nurse looking after me on ITU who kept giving me hugs (not sure thats allowed, but it was reassuring) and he kept calling me duck (aparently its a northern thing :S )

My loveRly doc from MAU come up and visited me up on ITU as he wanted to check in on me (not many docs do that, I was shocked as he did it the last time he sent me to ITU also)

By Tuesday I was transfered to the respiratory ward and my consultant came and reviewed me...and luck has it, they are now refering me to Birminham so who knows I may get some answers as to what is causing my asthma to go so tits up and I may get the best form of treatment to help me!

After being home for one day, It seems that I must have picked up a horrible chest infection from my stay in hospital and I am now suffering big time1!! oh the joys, another trip to the GP later for me thanks to mummmy!!!

Well thats my new year so far lets hope it gets a little better!!!


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