Saturday, 24 March 2012

There's Ups And There's Downs

Wow, what a month, and it seems I haven't posted in a very long time!!

I will try my best to keep this post, erm a little smaller than what my head and fingers want it to be :)

So since I last wrote, I have been in hospital yet another time with my stupid lungs, what a challenge that was. I tried to do what my consultant has been nagging me to do such as try and get into my Respiratory team first before rocking up at A&E. 11am came and I was still struggling following a really rubbish night at my dads, 3 hours later and I had no job with emails and phone calls, so I rang my GP, by which point there was no appointments at my GP surgery either (great), so I rang my mum in a complete state not knowing what to do as my consultant told my to not rock up at A&E. she rang GP and they said just turn up at the surgery and then the GP will have to see me...Fantastic!! By the time all this happened it was not 1630, GP took one look at me and rang the hospital for advise...he too failed to get through to my Respiratory team (so thats a whole day with no help from them at all) so he rang the Medical Registrar on call. I was reluctant to go to A&E because of what my consultant said, so they told me to do two hourly nebs and increase my steroids, and also said that if my Peak Flow was to drop any more I had a bed ready for me at the hospital...Well, sadly my Peak flow hit the floor and mum was not letting me suffer all night so took me to hospital. After a load of IV treatment I started to pick up a little! AMAZING...a nice short stay...wasn't I mistaken, by Friday I was starting to crash again, so my consultant told my to have more IV aminophylline for 24hours (this was in one breath, in the second breath she for some reason told me it wasn't asthma...erm so why you shoving all these poisonous drugs into my veins?!) she then came back and said it was asthma about confusing the brain. after 24hours I got reviewed by the docs again who still wasn't happy with the lack of air moving in my lungs (I wouldn't be happy either, so got put on another 24 hours worth) unfortunately the Doc on call on the Sunday wasn't a respiratory one, so after checking my levels at pm, then decided I could have it taken down at 2200 that night and give me my tablet form straight away...I started vomiting and having a massive headache and told them they needed to check my lunchtime bloods to see if ive now not been given to much aminophylline...and scarily enough they had and my level was nearly 30!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!

Any-who, my Consultant decided she was then keeping me in to do a medication sort out! fantastic!! - All she did was reduce my steroids by 20 over 2 weeks...hmmm now I'm lost.

Then on my discharge letter, she wrote I had been admitted for a medication sort out, and didnt include any of the three asthma attacks I had nor the poisoning etc etc!! So it was a trip to the GP for me to explain what had actually happened!!!

On a positive note, whilst in hospital, a good friend of mine decided to visit and bring me to lush flowers and it cheered me up, he then came down to visit on the day I was discharged and took me back to the hospital to collect the medication that the hospital forgot to give me...he also revisited me on the Wednesday and my good old friend...became my boyfriend!!! Happiness is on the horizon...

... Until...

Wednesday 21st March!!! I had a meeting at work to go over my employment, and I lost my job as there was no actual date for return...So for every up in the world, it seems there has to be a down along the road also!

So, I get straight onto the job centre to let them know the change of circumstance for my ESA, to which they told me that they haven't been paying me since December anyway as my past employer hadn't been sending in my sick notes...BLOOD GREAT, could any more go wrong!?


I then Ring my GP to get the sick notes again and they say they cant provide as I wasn't a patient with them at that time, so I now have to wait till I see my consultant in a weeks time and pray she gives me one.

As a result, I check my bank to get some money out for petrol to go see my friend in Bristol, and the bank says yet another emotional state, I ring my mum and have to borrow money for the first time EVER!! not a habit I'm getting into!

As I think I have now suffered enough for one week...I start to look on the ups again.

What a fol I was, the coolant pipe on my car decided it wanted to explode and I cna no longer drive my car...nor can I purchase the part to fix it!!!

Any way, that has been my month so far...many little downers, and one amazing up with the  MAN!!

Until next time!!



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