Sunday, 26 February 2012

Ive Heard Of It, Now Ive Witnessed It!!

So, we all hear the tales of the craziness that rocks up into A and E and i thought I would share mine from my last trip to the emergency room...and lets just say whilst struggling to breathe, chuckling with the docs about these rubbish people thats rocked up really did prove a challeneg!!

So here they are:

1.Man calls an ambulance and tells them he has difficulty breathing,so naturally he will get a ambulanceon flashy lights and trained paramedics...the crew bring him in and whilst in the cubicle he then tell the doc 'oh I dint actually have difficulty breathing, my eyes are blurry and it was annoying me, doc response 'go and see an optician then,they are trained in eyes better than me'

2. This man didnt call an ambulance thank god...but he rocks up and said 'I had a nose bleed three hours ago and I thought I should get checked out' docs response 'three hours later...couldnt have been that bad!!'

wow it makes me chuckle what people turn up with...and this was within and hour,I hate to think what turned up for the rest of that shift!!!

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