No matter how many times we tell him not to smoke by me or in the same room as me it just doesnt sink in.
What my brain fails to understand is why he doesnt give a hoot!! He knows the seriousness of my asthma and that I was on a ventilator last year, plus his brother was poorly with asthma when he was young, yet he still persists on smoking next to me.
Its worse when my mum isnt in the house, he suddenly starts chain smoking. I try my best not to have extra nebs on these occasions though as the side effect are hell!!
I have no idea what to do and I really cant take it anymore.
My consultant is telling me Im still not safe enough to be living solo, not only this, but I still cant get a job because of my lungs so there is no way I could afford my own place again!!
I dont want to keep moaning at mum about what he is doing, but im sure its not fair.
Im literally pulling my hair out becuase of it. I spend most of my time isolated in ny room, and when im not there, hes questioning my mum when am I going out, when am I going to bed etc etc just to get me out the living room so he can smoke!!
Before I had to give up my flat in February (officially) but moved in last September, mum sat him down, explained everything and he said he would support and not snoke near me etc etc...well it seems he has done the complete reverse of it!!
Well, I guess I should stop ranting now!!
Ps, this photo is how I feel in image form.

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