Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Job Centre...Nit Wits!!

I have been on Employment Support Allowance (ESA) now since last August, and this has been on the induction rate. After ringing at least 3/4 times a month already, Today I had just about had enough!!

I rang the job centre first who said the system had still not been updated and were about to hang up, to which I told her I wanted the number of the company who they were waiting for information from.

After ringing Attos and being told, I  shouldn't have been referred to them, and that my GP had been fab and sent a report back within a week, I was then told I had to ring back the Job Centre as they had screwed up.

So I rang back the Job Centre and told them that they had screwed up by referring me to the wrong person. The lady at the end of the phone was ultimately pissed at me telling her that she had screwed up and told me to repeat to her what they had said. She then told me I had to sit and wait for the outcome, to which my answer was, has she ever tried living on £50 a week, and was she going to start paying off my debts" to which she said no. I also told her it was about time that she done the job she was being paid for instead of me having to chase every one on the stupid 0800 expensive numbers.  Back to Attos I go, to which they said that they can see why I was so frustrate, and should hear a finally answer by the end of the month, I asked him for his word on this (as I knew the call would be recorded) and I took him name.

Fingers crossed, I hear something soon.

Next up, DLA. tried having the cocky man at the end of the phone tell me I needed to allow up to 12 weeks. I gave him the date that the form got sent in and his answer was "oh...ah...this is the 12 week, apologies there " ass...all in all, I have apparently been on the urgent answers required list, and I should hear something within 10 days!! (if not, back on the blower I go lol)

Until next time lol



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