And what a night it was.
All was great and going find. Had watched toy story 3 and madagascar chipwrecked and was just settling down when...
My body decided it wanted to have an allergic reaction. So I get jabbed twice with adrenalin, hydro and iv antihistamine. About 4 hours later I can see again and im not a red chipmunk no longer. Untill 7am and I decided to repeat last nights events. The docs then re jabbed me with everything.
All in all, I had four nurse, two junior docs, a reg and and itu docs pay me a visit.
And thats my latest trip to Birmingham hospital!! What fun!!
By nine am, ive had the specialist nurse pay me a visit, the vampire and three other docs just to make sure all is ok and remains dandy.
Only prob is, where as they are meant to b finding the best stable maintenance steroid level for me, that has now gone out the window as the want to wack my steroids up following the reaction. Great hey. Oh and did I forget to mention that the one test they were looking at running today now isnt happening coz im classified as unstable, flaming brilliant!!
My consultant has been informed and they are revising the plan!! Gggrrr
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