My PH study has been complete. YAY!!
So after a week of being off my gastric medicines to try and get acurate results, I have had heartburn, vomiting, pain in my belly and zero to no sleep, what joys!!
The test itself was a little intense especially as I couldnt have the numbing spray as my body seems to like taking an allergic reaction to it.
All in all, I had to have four tests done and was in the day unit for a little while.
They test dthe strength of my gullet, the strength if the elastic band thing (dont remember the name lol). Erm tested to see if my stomach section takes all the flui I drink and whehther at that point any goes in my lungs and then they did the PH study.
The hardest and most annoying bit was that they used my right nostril for it all as its the biggest and just as they were going to put down the PH probe my nostril closed over and they had to use my other one. Which is remarkably small and it really hurt.
I looked like the ass of the centry as I couldnt have the good old skin coloured tape as im allergic to that also, so had to have mass loads of mefix!! Yum!!
Over the 24 hours of having it in I managed really well, found ways of eating without it tugging and when I went to bed I found alternative ways of sleeping without tugging the probe or falling asleep on the monitor.
I should hopfully get the results next week in Birmingham as my local consultabt as ask for urgent results to be collated and sent to them which is fab.
I hooe now that they can sort the gastro side of things out meaning my lungs could potentially be a little less stroppy!!

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