Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Never Again I Hope, Yuk!!

I was literally just sat there, I hadn't moved, touched anything or touched them yet my eyes randomly started to burn. I ended up not being able to see.

Mum guided me to the kitchen and I chucked water all over them for a few minutes, still no better though. What could it be, what had I got in my eyes that could burn so badly!?

As it wasn't improving mum took me to our local community hospital at the end of out road. By point of arrival not only were my eyes literally burning, but my face also decided it wanted to go bright red and start swelling. We knew what was happening now, I was having an allergic reaction.

Wet towel over my eyes to cool them down, we were sat in the waiting more than a few minutes and were called straight in....sorry to all those who had been there a while.

A quick history (as not my usual main hospital, its more like a minor injuries unit and then the medic looked at my face. Straight away he went off and from what I could hear had brought back with him lots of stuff.

In went the cannula (after fishing - again), hydro and antihistamine. Next came some anti eye burning drops. The a quick check of my bloody pressure, pulse and sats and a physical listen to my chest. Then the second lot of eye drops, these ones were antihistamine eye drops (didn't even know that existed). Thankfully by the time all this had kicked in, and it was about an hour later once the medic had come back and reviewed, I started to look a little less like a sunburnt chipmunk (Theodore to be exact) and a little more like me again. We had to wait a few more hours though until I was back to near life form before I was let out the door. Oh and a quick check.of my peak flow to make sure the lungs were OK!!

What a fun and unexpected night that was!!

Oh and did I mention in the time of us being there, a lady come in who had a needle stick injury - 4 hours before, a man came in who cut his leg open on a rusty nail - 1 week before, a little boy decided he wanted to cut his head open on the coffee table, an old lady decided she wanted to have an argument with the kirb, a young girl decided she wanted to have a sky high temperature and two people came back up to either have a dressing changed or to start and antibiotic for their leg that grew something funky on a swab!! I find it weird what people rock up with, and also amazing how your other sense kick in and become stronger when you loose one!!

Thankfully, I can see again this morning, I just have super itchy eyes!!



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