Monday, 5 November 2012


Since my last post I have had a few friends contact me or talk to me about it, and they have said some lovely things which really has shown me that people do actually care!!

I also had clinic today and wow wasnt that exciting.

I have to yet again increase my steroids as my lung functions are in my boots and I have hardly any air entry. My sats were also 89% whoops!!

My consultant has said that I am not well and tried to admit me but I pleaded with her as since september Ive not really been at home. Which was when we agreed on upping steroids.

She also said that she has had PALS on the phone after mum rang them about being kicked out of hospital when I was so poorly. She was also shocked to hear that I had had so many IVs and landed in Intensive care again and agrees that i should not have been sent home and my mum told to look after me on hourly nebs. So she has said she will investigate and contact the other hospital to get a clearer picture and get back to me.

It seems weird to hear my consultant be so nice, it has taken a while but locally I have to say she has been one of the best ive had!!

I guess it does help me being honest with her as I told her that being sent home on hourly nebs scared me to hell!!

on happy notes, I mentioned in my last post that there was a new girlie in my life and well we are meeting up officialy on the 25th (as lung as im well because of my crappy lungs) Im so excited!!

Also, just to touch on it, the horrid thoughts have subsided for now. Wonder if this is because life is on the up again!? who knows!!



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