Monday, 21 January 2013

What A Year So Far!!

I seem to be lacking on the posting front yet again, whoops...lets see what I cant remember!!

To start with, because I have no money ive not been able to see the lovely other half and that sucks!!

Ive also been admitted to hospital but instead of it being for my asthma, it was for tummy pain, and I was there for 10 days. Sadly they couldnt operate though to sort the problem because of my lungs so they sent me home on pain relief...but the pain is still there and its horrid.

On other notes, Ive had my Uni interview which went ok. Not heard anything yet, so no news is good news right!?

This week I am back it Birmingham and I also have my DLA Tribunal so fingers crossed something positive will come out of those two!!

On crappy notes, my EX step dad is being the biggest A hole imaginable and told me and mum that we have to get out. As we have been told by the solicitor that we have to stay untill he gives us money we are literally being treated like shit and I really do hate having to sit here through it!!

Im pretty sure thats most of the last few weeks, if not watch this space c;


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