Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Just About Enough!!

Why is it when you try and have a great week planned, things always go tits up.

On friday I went to the GP because I k ew I had a chest infection coming. All he said was up your steroids and come back if you get worse...yeah thats great if it wasnt christmas week!!

By sundah all went horribly wrong, 1830 came and I couldbt breathe, was back to back nebbing for an hour, sats were dropping and peak flow plummeting. The other half of course got an ambulance.

The three paramedics must have been the shittest in the whole of Cornwall. Why dont I get the nice sensible ones frkm emergency bikers hey!? Anyway, the paramedics left me at home for a following hour wondering what the heck to do rather than listening to me.

Final decision was made to send me to MAU in the Royal Cornwall Hospital (not Plymouth where I told them I wanted to go because my Consultant being there.)

Thankfully with being bluw lighted straight to the ward the doctora were there ready and waiting and pounced on me withing seconds.

In all the time hanging around though, I was now super struggling and my numbers were far from good and the next thing I know ITU are reviewing me and I was being moved up to the unit.

When I was there, I was taken off the oxygen mask and give  a tight fitting mask with a special drug blowing through it going direct into my lungs which was meant to help open then up. Sadly they gave me half an hour on this and my Co2 was still climbing with retention. I then got put onto NIV as I couldnt manage breathing soley on my own...10 minutes later I had the life support being rigged up next to me as they wanted me on it. I wasnt going to let them, I wanted to fight on my own, I didnt like being on the full ventilator last time so it scared me this time around.

Thankfully by lunch time the next day I was starting to hold me own again and breathing had got easier so I came off the NIV.

Remembering it was Christmas in two days I wanted to come home. Some how I had to get the doctors to take down my drips and allow it. Lets just say it wasnt a good situation to be in...but I done an agreement with the ITU consultant that I would go in a wheelchair to the front foors and be picked up straight from there and then when I got home I wouldnt leave my bed. Ok granted I dont have the drips, oxygen and ventilator anymore if I was at home, but I can get an ambulance and they can always assist my breathing if I needed it.

Agreement made, and I was going home despite what was best for me but I really didnt want to spend a second christmas in a row in hospital.

Yesterday, as agreed I stayed in bed all day other than to go to the toilet and boy even that was a struggle.

I have managed to get down stairs for Christmas with the lady and her family today but sadly I didbt enjoy it as much as I liked, I fell asleep in between each bit of activity and I wasnt really with it at all.

We have more family coming around tomorrow and they have all said they want to see me but I really dont think I can nake it downstaits. I dont want to let anyone down though!!

Sadly in all this my lovely girlie has stuck right by me. Didbt leave my bed side from the minute I went to hospital to the minute I left and has been a pure angel looking after me at home. I have told her though if the things she saw with me on the breathing machine etc has scared her she must say, it is normall and she can get councelling help if she needs it. I feel mega bad though for if this has caused her mental scarring, I know what its like and I hate it let alone people whitnessing it!!

Well heres hoping that I can make it downstairs tomorrow and enjoy the rest of Christmas, I have been well and truly spoiled and Ill fill you in on what I got in another blog.

For now, Merdy Christnas all and I hope youve had a great day!!



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