Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Life's Little Adventures!!

Last Wednesday I was at another hospital appointment but this one was for my hip. The consultant was actually really nice compared to the last, spoke to me properly and at eye level, he also spoke to me and not at me and he was very nice with how he asked things to get a good old history. He then helped me onto the bed to do his funky little movements with my legs (I have just realised how bad that sounds) and then he helped me up and back to the chair. All in all he has said because of my lungs and how I react with GA he has said he wants to try injections right inside of my hip socket under xray guidance. Im also not allowed sedation for that because of my lungs. If this doesnt work and sort things out (as aparently I have a tear in my cartilage) then they may have to consider surgery. Because of my steroids myopathy he has said its caused an extra weakness around my hips and each time I fall it weakens it that bit more so all in all its all going down hill.

We then went and seen my mum and her boyfriend and had pur christmas with her. Suprisingly it wasnt to bad, she spoke to my other half like a human and included her in conversations etc. She also suggested we play a game of scrabble which turned out to be a laugh and was also really good so I was pretty impressed.

Following my mums we then had to travel up to Bristol to do christmas at my dads. We finally got there at about 9pm and pretty much went straight to bed. On the Thursday we went up to the cemetry to put flowers on both my nan and grandads headstones, I really wish that more of the family would go there and not just me, I havr managed to go there atleast 4 times this year if not more and thats with living over 200 miles away from them we also went to visit my other halfs sister for a few hours which was a nice little catch up.

Friday was nice and relaxed, we went to a place called snuff miles and took some photos for another competition that I am entering. There is a lush little tea shack at the end of it and we both had a scrummy hot choc with our mahusive prawn and mayo baguette to which was amazing.

Saturday was the most hectic day I could imagine. We went running around trying to find a cheesy christmas jumper to which was an epic fail. After that we then had to run around to my friends to give her her christmas presents and have a munch on mince pies and cream. Yummy!! Half an hour later my dad was ringing me saying we had to hurry up as they were at a pub about to have a meal and they had saved us seats. I was not impressed at all!!

Sunday wasnt a bad day, we continued our hunt for a christmas jumper and then went to meet up with another friend of mine. We took her off to a nice little resturaunt called the masons arms and we had an amazing carvery and ice cream. Scrummy. We then had to dash back to my dads to head back to cornwall via my sisters to exchange presents with her so boy hasnt it been a bloody busy week.

On exciting news though, my sister rang me to tell me shes pregnant and we think shes due in June. She has her first midwife appointment on the 3rd January so we will no a bit more by then. Really pleased for her, I just hope I get to see the baby often so they actually know who I am.

Since being back in Cornwall, I have had the occupational team come out and see me and have said I need more equipment at home to help me and that I also need a wheel chair. Today I had a lady ring me to see if I would qualify for a wheelchair and aparently following the information I gave them aparently yes I will be getting one from the NHS. I just have to have someone come out and measure me up and get the chair specific to me. I also had another lady ring me this morning who wants to come out tomorrow to do a stair assessment with me.

I have to say, although all this help and equipment is there to help me, actually coming to terms with the fact im getting a lot worse is a little hard to register in my head.

I also still have part of my lip that is still numb following my biopsy which im not really liking. I hope it comes back soon!!

My other halfs brother had a baby soon today also so theres more good news to celebrate for this time of the year. Yay!!

Well sorry thats such a huge post but itll keep you busy.



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