Friday, 11 July 2014


Im so angry i could literally cry.

I ordered my medications from pharmacy a week ago. They told me on wednesday they werent ready so had to dive into my emergency steroids.

I get my drugs today and they tell me yes everything is there we dont owe you anything this time. Perfect i thought because of going away on Sunday.

There i am doing my medications tonight to try and help my other half out and low and behold no steroids in my bag from todays order.


Ive no steroids at all.

So i ring my local pharmacy and i get cut off. So i ring minors and switch board wouldnt put me through to them they just transfered me to out of hours gp. Who refused to help me.

So im screwed and literally crapping it.

Ive been on steroids long term for 4 and a half years now and my adrenal glands no longer work so if i dont take a does of steroids tomorrow its not just my lungs thatll be pissed off, my whole freaking body will shut down.

Im going into another pharmacy tomorrow to plead with them to help me. If not ive got to go to hospital and my weekend at the craft fair, visiting my sister for her birthday and going away to dorset with my girlfriend wont be happening and that also means £100 down the drain for cancelling the hotel at last minute.

I cant believe my pharmacy for doing this. Ive had a cock up with them on every order so far and i order drugs weekly because the gp wont increase the amount of tablets etc i can be given at a time. Ive also been with this pharmacy now for 10 months. You think they would have got their act together.

Well, ive now got a splitting head ache so im off to bed




  1. Really hoping that the other pharmacy can help you. Its disgraceful that they have messed up so badly and put you in such a dangerous position. Time to change pharmacy again I reckon. Hope you're ok. Xx

    1. I rand serco again today and had a call back within a minute literally with a doc saying i see uve got an alert on the system for ur asthma so lets not stop the steroids. Ill give u a 5 day prescription now for u and faxed it straight to the pharmacy. Madness xx

  2. So glad you got it sorted. How are you feeling now?

    1. Im glad tok if im honest but so glad hes sorted it and gave me enough to still be able to go away also rather than the usual untill the surgery is next open. Im ok still suffering from not having pred untill 2pm and sats are 91 but im ok. Chilling xx

  3. Good make sure you stay chilled! Least 91 is better than 86 the other night. I'm back home now too xx

    1. Yh im happy with 91. My recordings overnight though are showing i cant hold my oxygen levels which sucks. Yay for being home though, thats fantastic. On wards and upwards now then c: xx

  4. Yep! Glad to be home. Its good you can keep a check on your oxygen levels hopefully your consultant can do something to help with it. My levels have been dipping a lot lately, am similar to you and hovering around 88-93. Xx
