Friday, 7 November 2014

A Positive End To The Week

Im starting off with Tuesday because its quick and breif and doesnt really match the title. As you know, we have now been without our princess Dixie for five weeks and its making us beyond sad. For one we really wanted her at our wedding next Thursday that it would be a miracle to have had her back. So instead, I had found on of the top tattoo studies in England and pleaded with them with our story and the managed to have a cancellation on Tuesday and we got it. I can now say that both me and the other half are the proud owners of a new tattoo and it freaking killed. We have it in the same spot, on our left hand side on our ribs parallel to our hearts. Its a unique tattoo that noone else will ever have because its Dixies name and her exact paw print. I bruised mega bad and it is still heali g but here is a picture 3 hours after we had it do.
Wednesday we were super lazy and couldnt be bothered yo do anything majorly important so chilled and watched tv,oh and my friend set me a challenge to knit her son some mittens, and I gave to admit, these too are amazing.
On Thursday I drove us both up to my mums to have a pre wedding hen meal type thingy. We also picked up my sister along the way and of course my ickle nephew who has and is growing up far to fast. Of course I had lots and lots of cuddles and cant wait to see him again next week for the wedding. I really loved being with the three main ladies of my life. Our relationships are getting far better and we literally get on amazingly. I couldnt wish for a better family. To top of the day, to be even more amazing, my sister asked if I would be my bephews hod mummy, to which of course I said yes. Wasnt refusing that task. Today was the day for the council lady to come around because our temporary flat has started to grow mould. We all know irs down to a build up of condensation but sadly this shit of a flat has night storage heaters so it will alwas have these issues. I have purchased today an electric heater to see if itll help keep our electric down but also hrlp us out. We also learnt today that the council has yet again failed us. Our homeless officer rang the department and learnt that despite having higher rate dla, I hadnt been flagged up as an even more urgent priority for having a fit, safe and stable home. Thankfully this has now been done and should help us move quicker. Bloody hope its soon. Five days till the wedding aahh TTFN XXXX

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