Friday, 28 November 2014


Nearly three years ago now I turned 21. Most people remember this birthday as a special one with great memories and events. For me it was crap just like the last ten birthdays I have had.for me this one was rubbish for a new reason,I was in hospital up until the day before,I had a photo shoot booked for my actual birthday but I was extremly exhausted and looked like shit, and worst of all my then step dad had told his kids that him and my mum had recently got engaged. The cried, screamed and made a point if ruining my day. With how ny birthdays have gone, I made a promise to myself, and that was that anyone new who enters into my life would get treated amazingly on their birthdays and this year, it was my wifes 21st bithday, november 25th to be exact. From my previous blog you can see that on the 23rd I got her a guinea pig, yes nearly a week on we do finally have a name, it being Heidi. My other half loves her and it has helped give her a great daily focus and a new meaning to get out if bed in the morning, other than to just help me. On Tuesday I had a huge suprise for her also. During the day her parents took us for mcdonalds (which has upset me as they forgot it was her 21st and it seemed like they really didnt give a damn). At 5pm we started getting ready, all the usual questions kept being asked like where we going, what we doing, what do I need to wear. Of course I only let onto the clothes she needed lol. We then left at about 6ish to head to our destination. Jamie olivers fifteen resturaunt. She absolutly loved it. She had never been anywhere like this or ever had so much money spent on her. In my eyes though she deserves it. She does so much for me daily, she deserves to have something for her. So we dined in expensiveness and had moctales because we are so classy ha. At the end of the meal, because I prebooked and told them it was a big occassion, my lovely lady had 12 perposly baked cupcakes made for here and displayed on a wooden voard with chocolate sauce wrote on the board saying happy birthday. They also put canels in the cupcakes too. They treated us both so well, its hard to believe there are still amazing people and atmospheres out there. On wednesday, going a bit cheaper this time, I then took her to the cinema to watch the new hunger games film. Well, for me to as im addicted to it. We bith loved it and cant wait for the second part to be released. To top off the week, our new future sperm donor also rang to chat in person and he seems like such a nice cating person. I just really hope this means that soon, we could have child. Not only this but, my dad has agreed for me and the other half to let us stay with him for two weeks over christmas so that we could have Dixie. Like I say, this week has just been full of suprises. TTFN XXXX

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