Thursday, 6 March 2014

Battle Through

My intentions today were to continue in bed trying to fight off this flu, unfortunatly though, my other half had volunteering at lunch time and work up extremly worried and scared because she had never been on a Thursday and didnt know anyone (she sufferes from depression, anxiety and panic attacks). So I decided that I would take her in for 12, hang around town for an hour and then be right outside for her at one. If she needed me before hand then she could ring and I would be there in se onds. I figured this was the least I could do after how shes looked after me this week. Whilst in town, I found these amazing bright orange wellies, so I got them for my partner. Because of the weather, the feild by us as become very wet and muddy abd it was ruining her trainers so she said she wanted dog walking wellies...and low and behold, whilst charity shop shopping, these were staring right at me. When my other half saw them after she had finished volunteering her face was beaming at the sight of them. I think its safe to say I chose good. After all of this, we decided to go to our usual cafe and have a coffee date. We use to do this regularly before we got a little short in money so it was lush being able to do that again. Instead of going home to rest, I then decided we should take the pup for a walk around the feild (and of course to test these wellies ha). We didnt walk far, or shall I say I didnt. My other half though ran half way across the feild, we took her off the lead and we started calling her name between us both, so not only was she gettig a good run around but she was also learning her call back. Might I add she done blinking amazing. Finally we got home, and I collapsed on the sofa...literally. we figured it was ti.e for a well earnt dvd, so put on the woman in black...and within minutes I fell asleep...oops It has been a busy couple of hours throughout the day, and looking back now I have yet again pushed my self to far, but I guess I cant laze around all the time. We also purchased a little owl book today where we have started writing a journal for our process with the baby so that when they are older, they have something they can read to look back on their journey. Hope it works as well as what it does in our heads. for now though, crufts is calling TTFN XXXX


  1. Sounds like a lovely day, but perhaps a little too much for you!! How you feeling now?

  2. Was a very lovely day but I think im going to regret it even more tomorrow!! Im feeling very rough, my migraine that was dyeing out has come back to how it was and I feel rough again. Hope ur day backbat work wasnt to bad xx

  3. Oh luv, its so hard to not overdo things. Hope a good nights rest helps you. Work was ok, had a chat with my boss, she thinks I need more time off. I'm starting to realise how little the people around me understand what its like for me. Am pretty tired tonight and getting a lot of pain in my chest. X

  4. Woke in a little poorly again this morning so not doing our usual friday swim, figured thatll be to much!! Thats a shame about work, what sort of work is it you do, do you have anything like an occupational health section that could help you out or do you have a consultant that could possibly write to your boss explaining things and also stating how best they can help you!? Hope your no longer in psin, that doesnt sound good xx

  5. I teach in a college. My boss is great, very supportive. I just find that people don't seem to understand my need to work and not give in to my condition. I am considering some changes but not definite yet x

  6. Changes may be a good thing, I had to think them through very carefully thoughvalso so I done a pros and cons list to help me out. I had the same with work, people kept think I shouldnt be there because of a flare up etc when for me on that particular day I was actually alot better than I had been. Keep fighting, itll show them that you dont give in easily xx

  7. Cheers hun. Helps to talk to someone who understands. People at work seem to think if I stayed off longer then I'd be fine, but thats not the case cos I'm still gonna have flare ups. Oh they already know I don't give up easily!! Apparently I'm stubborn!! Hope you're starting to feel better. Xx

  8. I struggled through the first year with having no one to talk to, so im glad ive found so many new friends to help when it comes round to my lungs. Staying off work longer I found didnt help. By the time they wanted me back, I was just about starting another flare up, so I always wanted to go in before so I actually managed to work a small amount. I think stubborn is a symptom of shit asthma lol as everyone I speak to says the same ha. Yh feeling much better today thanks xx
