Monday, 24 March 2014

Always Something

Up nice and early today...but then we all fell asleep again after Dixie had breakfast, till roughly 0930 which for us is rediculoudly late since having a puppy. We done our usual routine first off, and then decided Dixie needed a walk...or I needed it because I put on 2 and 3/4 pounds in the last week. Im personally blaming my increase of steroids plus I have eaten a fair few bad things. We also took Dixie for a walk this evening, for her fun but for me, punishment!! We had to leave at 1130 though to get my other half off for her volunteering job. Once I done that, I had to run off to lidl and asda to get our food for going away tomorrow. Following this (goodness ive been busy) I then had to get my other half to our local hospital as she had an appointment with her ears because of her hearing loss. All is ok, but sadly, the type of hearing loss she has cant be treated with hearing aids, its a weird link between her ears and brain that loses the wavelengths of words and noises which jumble things up and make it harder to hear and understand words. My heart aches for her because its not something that can be sorted. As a result she now struggles to hear generally. I on the other hand have to learn to talk slower and with less of my Bristolian twang ha. Testing my cooking skills (under supervision because of my muscles) I cooked the most amazing tomato soup ready for when we get back for our lunch time meals for when we get. I know a soup is mega simple, but for someone with my disabilities, its blinking hard, and depressing because of needing supervision. In good news, I managed to complete the editing process from Saturdays photos. I managed to get 124 that I absolutly love and im super proud of. Oh and, I got another silver award on a photography I submitted to a competition a few weeks ago, im so proud of how far ive come, I just hope I can keep it up. Excitingly I am off camping with my beautiful girl tomoorow and our puppy. Were only going to Padstow just incase something was to go wrong, but its our first little holiday together as a little family. The memories that will be made are ones that im really looking forward to. I just hope it goes smoothly as weve got our next camping holiday booked for May already ha. So, im not going to be blogging for the next few days, will probably be either Friday or Saturday night, deoending on how tired I am. TTFN XXXX Ps, I forgot to mention, after I sent my sputumn sample last week, I had the doctor ring me today and as I thought ive got a bug in my lungs, its a yeast based fungi that is resistant to all antibiotics so were waiting to hear from my cons about what week can do. Fab hey


  1. Its grest how busy you manage to keep. Well done on the photography stuff. I've found my muscles are aching a lot today too. Now I'm also coming down with a cold! ! Hope you and your OH have a fab few days. Looking forward to reading all about it. Have fun and take care xx

  2. I think if I dont keep busy itll just drive my depression even furthee into the ground so I purposly plan my days to have atleast one thing sorted. Not good about your muscles, nice hot showers may help, will keep them nice and warm. Aw no colds are the worst as you cant go to the gp for antibiotics. Ive just added a ps to my blog about my phone call with my gp...little bit gutted as its the cause of all my breathing problems this last week. Im sure we will have a great time, ill try and get some photos. Of course though, no names or faces will be shown as my blog is anonymous. Hope you feel better over the next few days, both muscles and cold wise. Try and rest and take things easy xx

  3. Ooh just read your ps. Really hope your cons can get it sorted for you. It def can be hard to stay positive in these situations. Thanks again for all your support and advice. Means a lot to me. Xx

  4. I hope so also, especially as it is really starting to get to my physically now, feel like im constantly drowning in fluid. It can indeed be difficult to stay positive if you have the right circle of people within your life it does make things easier. No worries about the support, I know what it was like when I didnt have anyone so more than happy to help. By the way, how did you find my blog!? Xx

  5. Its great being able to chat on here ! Found u from s link from another blog. Not sure which one though! Xx

  6. It certainly is, im glad they added the comment boxes!! Ahh thats pretty cool, im always interested as to how people find my blog as I get roughly 50-100 views a day but alway wonder. Xx
