Thursday, 3 April 2014

Busy Or Relaxed!?

Tonight title kind of explains it all really. The day started off relaxed because we had to wait in as a parcel was meant to be being delivered. As you can tell it didnt happen. Once we had established it wasnt being delivered, it was now lunvh time so we quickly took Dixie around the feild. We could however only walk her around once because I was really struggling to breath because of the crap air quality. My other half then sorted out our dinner like usual whilst I went and done my nebulizers in the hope it would sort my lungs, which thankfully, although it didnt fix them, I could atleast take a deeper breath. Straight after dinner, we had to take our middle aged of the three rabbits (Gizmo) to the vets as he was due a health check and his boost vaccine. As I predicted he is very we, has good teeth abd is well looked after, we are feeding him the right stuff and give him plenty of exercise because hes not fat.yay. atleast we are doing that right. After the vets, we had a sneaky visit to costa for some girlfriend time. We dont often get to have this anymore because of me and feeling like crap, but as costa was right next door to pets at home where the vets was, we decided it was a prime opportunity. When we got home, we got dixie back to the feild as its only fair she doesnt miss out just because of crappy air quality. To relax after this me and my other half had potted our two roses that we have been growing and maturing in our bedroom for the last year. Dont worry, theyre not rose trees. Just miniture steam roses so are no bigger than the average size hand. We dont live in a mansion and have a huge room for catering for this ha. Finally this evening, because im in agony with my hip, we came upstairs at 1800 and decided to watch the hunger games (number two). We both absolutly love it and figured it was a good long film to chill to. During the beginnings of the film, I was updating my certificate folder with 6 new photography certificates, and I also updated my portfolio with 6 new photos. Here is one of the pages for my portfolio:
2 other photos arrived today after I done an online print out from asda. These were one of Dixie and one of me and m y girlfriend. The reason I printed these are because they are for my nan. She lives in Manchester which is just over 600 miles away from me so see her very rarely and whilst I was chatting to her on the phone this week she was asking about us all so I thought it would b a lovely suprise to recieve a few photos to update her. Thats all for now. TTFN XXXX

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear the crappy air is bothering you to. Hope you manage to take it easy and not suffer too much. I'm currently in hospital again xx
