Sunday, 13 April 2014


Waking up this morning, I was determind to actually rest...I started off doing that after doing our morning walk with Dixie around the feild. We then sat in the back garden (on the comfy chairs) watching the rabbits, lapping up the sunshine. Sadly though even though it was 15 degrees, I was sat in a coat as I was so blinking cold. I took my temperature at around lunch time and it was wonder I was cold. After our amazeballs sunday lunch, myself and my partner went for a stroll to find a new feild for Dixie as the farmer has now put sheep in the feild we were using. That walk turned into and hour and a half walk. Oops. I was in agony. To top it off, we never did find a field. After so much walking, it was time for a cuddle on the sofa watching a film, and todays film was "dream house" with Daniel Craig, and I have to say, its a bloody good film. Trying to stay healthy with our food, we have ran out of soup so had to raid the fridge. Thankfully I managed to russle up an amazing tuna salad. Was suprisingly satisfying. Once I had done my afternoon meds I was getting irritable and my head was really screwing me over again so I asked my lovely lady if we could go for another walk. Thankfully we agreed and went on the hunt for another field. In the hope we had potentially found one and getting excited, we followed the public footpath...but all of a sudden it came to an end and we could go no further, so we returned home. Completly in a world of our own, we realised that we had been out for another 45 minute walk. Oops again We are not snuggled up in bed, morphined up, drinking hot chocolate and watching One Tree Hill. Life is perfect. TTFN XXXX


  1. You certainly have done a lot of exercise today! Hope the pain has eased now and you've warmed up. I'm off to bed in the hope I'll be fit for work in the morning! ! X

  2. Yes, thankfully ive warmed up, a lush hot chocolate done the job nicely. Annoyingly though the pain is very much still there. Hope u manage ok in work xx

  3. Morning, well I've made it into work, not feeling too bad, so hopefully I'll be ok. Hope you rest more today xx

  4. Yay for making it to work, thats always a bonus. Xx

  5. And I survived the day! Had to have a meeting with my boss and HR though. Think they are satisfied that I'm doing ok. Xx

  6. Thats fantastic to hear, so glad u managed the day. Nice rest for u tonight now then. When do u find out the result of todays meeting!+ hope its not to bad xx

  7. Not sure yet. Will get a letter to go to a formal meeting. My manager's great, She worries that I push myself before I'm really better. Off to bed soon as finished my neb x

  8. Good luck with your works, hope they manage to adjust things nicely and continue to be good to you. Its normally HR that r the gits xx

  9. Did you used to be able to work? I do worry about being too unwell to continue working. So far they're being very supportive, even found me a quiet room for doing my midday nebs xx

  10. Yeah I had a full time job. I was a health care assistant and bristol childrens hospital. Was using it as a stop gap before I went to university to train as a paramedic. I would go as far as u can working. Thats what I done but it got to the point I was spending more time out than in and they couldnt afford to keep getting agency staff or go short on the ward. Plus, because of health and safety I couldnt keep going off the ward to have nebs. It seems u r very lu ky to been provided that. Xx

  11. Ah so sorry you had to give up on your career.I am very lucky with work. It's ok at the moment cos the midday nebs are only when I'm flaring or at the moment cos I've been so poorly. My normal regime only requires nebs morning and evening. Xx
