Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Yet Another Appointment

Musgrove Park was my hospital today and this was for my hip. Last year I was diagnosed with AVN and an impingement in my right hip so they decided to stick a massive needle into my hip joint and put steroids into it. This was more to try and control my pain rather than treat it. Sadly though since this my pain has just got worse and worse and im taking lots more morphine. Todays was my review appointment following my procedure and and the doctor asked how I was getting on and what its been like for me. I explained that for roughly four hours post the procedure my hip was perfect. Absolutly no pain...the next comment from the doctor was "and dont tell me, when the local wore off you were in agony". To which I obviously smiled and said, yeah, how did you know. She explained that there are a few things going on in my hip and potential some more theyve not yet seen. So they are sending me off for yet another MRI scan but with dye this time. Only of the things she said it could be is a liberal (not sure if this is the right spelling or not) tear. The reason I may have this is because I have deterioration of my femerol bone, there is now a point bit at the top which has potentially sliced through my liberal bit (which is the lining between my ball and socket joint, AKA cartilage bit. She did exain to me though that there could also be other things going on. All of which will show in the scan. To treat the tear, I got told that this is equally as major a surgery as what a hip replacement would be. She also informed me that if it turns out there are other things going on, the only way to fix them would be a total hip replacement. U.fortunatly though this would mean yet another general, and as she said, as ive stopped breathing on the last two, im going to have to be treated wisely and a lot more carefully...guess theres no harm in that though hey c; Now we are back home and in bed. Had a lot to tjink about again and my head is going mental. Wach appointment seems to be screwing my head up that little bit more. I dont think I can actual take much more. Y cant my life be simple. I want to be like most average everyday people!! TTFN XXXX


  1. Hey hun,

    I had a liberal tear in mine, along with the AVN and it is a THR needed to sort it. But they did manage to do mine under an epidural and my chest coped well with it.

    Gimme a yell if you've any questions xxx

  2. How weird would it be if I did have the exact as u.

    I hate that there is all this extra stuff. The didnt mention epidural to me, just GA.

    Thanks, will keep u in mind xx
