Thursday, 15 October 2015

Not Much To Say

At the moment it doesnt look like i can say a lot, literally because it looks like someone is watching what i am saying and being a complete and utter prick and sending stuff to my wife. If you have noticed, i never mention any names as i dont want my family to know about what i write in my blog. They all know i have one. They all know im depressed. The all know im finding it hard to accept the live i have been given with illnesses and disabilities and THEY ALL KNOW IM SUICIDAL!! Thats nothing different to anyone meber or my family so before anyone decides to copy and paste any part of my blog and add shit into it and remove stuff that i have written fucking jog on. I have this blog as a way to release things from my head. I purposly chose to write it in a blog rather than writing it on pen and paper SO THAT MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY CAN NOT READ WHAT I HAVE WROTE SO STOP BEING A GOD DAMN FUCKING PRICK AND STICKING YOUR NOSE WHERE IT DOESNT BELONG. Little did you know but you caused an argument between me and my wife and at the weong time because of the bullshit you had said!! I also dont need any nasty remarks from this blog. A lot and i mean A LOT has happened since the weekend and i an lucky to be here for more than one reason. And at this present moment in time, i dont mean lucky for me. I mean lucky for those around me . I am having top intervention that i can have at home because my mental health has taken a steap decline backwards. Its nothing new to my friends and family and its nothing they themselves with ever be able to change. I have grown to being this way because the deterioration in my physical health and sadly that has taken a very steap decline backwards. Thats no excuse for me trying to end my life nor is it an excuse for anyone else, but this is who i am. The people who do care for me and love me regardsless know this. Its the risk they take when they accept me into their lives or choose to keep me a part of their lives. I dont ask to be within the circle of social activity, they choose to keep me. What you done on Saturday night doesnt change how i feel myself. It does however change the fact i no longer trust anyone on face value!! Cheers for that!! TTFN XXXX

1 comment:

  1. Sorry things are so bad for you right now. I have some idea of how and why you feel the way you do. I understand to a degree. I pray you may feel differently some day xx
