Monday, 9 June 2014

Down Again

To start things off yesterday was HELL!!

Went down to check on the rabbits like normal and Mr Spice still hadnt ate or drank at all. So other than the syringe feeding hes not had anything on his own accord so I rang the vets and we rushed him over there.

We got into the vets and as I predicted, his teeth had overgrown again. Sadly Mr Spice has deformed teeth and he refuses to eat hay so his teeth grown up into his head and around his cheeks. As a result he was in agony and went off his food. He needed emergency surgery. We were waiting around the vets for 7 hours because I didnt want to leave him. With him being 7, there was an 80% chance he wouldnt make it. Thankfully though, he did and he is now back home with us and is an gorgeous as ever!!

Today how ever has just dragged me down that little bit more.

On Saturday we handed out the last of our wedding invites, and lets just say, a fair few people are not impressed at all. Not just because they arnt invited to the ceremony, but because our dads wont be walking us down the aisle, no one is wedding dress shopping with us (as my other half is making her dress) and they have to pay for the evening meal.

Weve literally had non stop hell about how we are doing it.

Today, I dropped my other half off at work, and as soon as I got home her parents near on cornered me and interigated me for why we are doing the wedding the way we are. I told them that the day is about us and we cant afford a big do, to which I couldnt cope with anyway.

It seems like know one is happy for us. From word go, the day we starting seeing each other, someone has had a comment to say...and not nice comments either.

I just dont get it. We r happy, why cant people be happy for us!?




  1. Ah hun, Sorry to hear things are tough right now. I hope people get ovrr their own selfishness about your special day. Its about the two of you and no one else. I'm very happy for you both. Glad Mr Spice is well again too. Hugs xx

    1. Thanks, glad someone is happy for us. What they dont realise though is, the more they keep being nasty about it, the more its pushing us to do it this way. Were glad Mr Spice is happy too. Had us worried for a little while!! Sorry ive not been replying. I have been reading messages etc, just my heads not really in it at the mo. Hope ur doing ok though xx

  2. Exactly, the more they push the less involved they will get to be! Hey no worries, you have enough to deal with! I'm doing ok after another trip to intensive care! X

    1. Its like i said to my partner too, all i want is for her to be happy. Im happy either way, ive found someone to love who loves me for who i am despute my health needs. Aw no, not good being there, though the best place i guess. Hope u get home soon!! Xx
