Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Pain-Worse Than Ever

Today was they day for the hopefull sorting of the pain in my hip. Waking up at 4am was, well, a massive challenge, but we done it and managed to pull of the drive at exactly 5am as planned. Go timing I say. We arrived at the surgical day unit just in time, managed to just get a seat in the busy waiting area and I was called in. Intially on my own as I hadnt a bloody clue what the heck was going on. I had a HCA start filling out my paperwork, and she got to the pregnancy question. Asked me when my last peroid was to which I told her it was the first week of February. All was dandy, then said, we will have to do a pregnancy test. I said its not possible, im in a gay relationship and im on the pill. She was addiment I needed to do a pregnancy test. I was addiment I wasnt and decided to tell her, if another woman could make me pregnant, we would have the family we are longing for. That was the end of that subject. After, she left the bay so I decided that I was off to get my other half as I couldnt cope with stress or hassel. Once my partner was with me, we carried on filling in more paperwork. She asked my marital status, to which I told her I was cohabiting and this is my partner. She pondered over the question in her head a little, and then I see her writing single. I was even more pissed than before. We continued through the pre op paperwork. Once all this was done and she closed the book, I pointed at the marital status question and said, I told you I was cohabeting. So she asked, well what do you want me to right. I looked at my partner, then looked back at the HCA and said, im in a relationship. The HCA was not happy. I really dont think she likes same sex relationships one bit, and she treated me like a disgusting piece if meat. I was having none of it. Going back to the pre op form, there were other questions like, you can do house hold chores, manage stairs and walk 150 meters ok. She ticked yes for all. Thankfully I saw this again and had to correct her with the fact that actually I can do none of what she said I could. She also said I didnt have aneamia (ill just point out here, she assumed this and I saw the answer again-thankfully) because again I had to correct her that I am aneamic and infact on medication for this. When the theatre staff came to collect me, they asked if they could have some tape to cover up the piercings I couldnt take out. The good old *cough* HCA then decided to chirp up and say "she refused to take out her piercings" thankfully I had a good theatre team, as they arhued with her three times saying, shes not refusing she just cant, and all we are asking for is some tape and all is perfect. It was such hard work. As I was about to leave, my partner gave me a kiss and we said our goodbies...this ticked of the HCA to the limit, she was not impressed that we kissed. Fricking hell I wish I got her name as I would have reported her for being such a bitch about me being gay. After all of the above, we finally managed to get to theatre where I had a good old funny banter with my surgeon and the rest of the theatre staff, which amazingly helped me relax. The procedure hurt like a git, I felt everything and the pain of the fluid going into my hip socket was beyong horrid. Admittedly though, watching my x rays fly up to the screen as the procedure was taking place really was cool, but all in all, id rather not have the procedure done again thanks. I "jumped" onto my wheelchair and we went off to town to meet with my sister to get my birthday present, have a general catch ip, and have a sneaky peek of her ever growing bump. She is huge for 15 weeks. Its mentall. We also managed to get some baby bargains in primark and we also nipped into CEX and got two dvds for my chill out day tomorrow. We managed to get back...just!! I was in agony by the time we got home. Pain reif had worn off and I couldnt take any more as I naughtily had to drive home. I think the driving pushed me over the edge though. Ive bern in bed since I got home, and can barely move, and thats with being dosed up on morphine. Thankfully though, our little puppy (although has aparently been a little shit all day) put a smile straight on my face and gave me beautiful snuggles all evening...and even managed to throw in a few sneaky peak flow tests lol. Ive added a few pictures, im sure you can work out which is which. For now though, im off to get some shut eye in the hope ill blovk out the pain. TTFN XXXX


  1. Sounds like a crappy hospital trip! Hope your hip is feeling better after a good rest. I'm having a rest day tomorrow too. Very much needed. Take it easy

  2. It was a very crappy trip indeed. Dont get me wrong, my actual team were fantastic, along with the theatre staff, but that HCA nurse had a real issue with me. Hip feels better today-when im sat in one position and dont move and inch...then theres hell to pay for moving. Im sure itll settle soon though. Great that your having a rest day today also, sometimes it is very much needed. Hope you have a good day!! X

  3. Glad the important people were fab, that's what matters. Glad your hip feels a bit better, hope it continues to improve. I'm temporarily doing less hours at work to see if it helps. Been doing this since Jan, was off work most of Dec as had a severe attack that resulted in me having a respiratory arrest. Took a long while to recover!!

  4. It sure does matter, and it made the procedure a little easier being able have a banter. Ive kind of been murged into the sofa today because of the pain on movement so fingers crossed the lack of movement will allow me to heal better. Wow that is not nice at all, must of been a scary experience for u!! Less time at work is definatly needed then. If ur struggling financially with money with having dropped ur hours, u could also apply for income support through the government and/or maybe working tax credits. If u go to the gov website, there is an online questionaire you can fill in and it can tell you what you could be entitled to and where to apply for them xx

  5. I reckon the sofa is best place for you for a day or two. Yeah work have been great, we already get working tax credits as my hubby doesn't work at moment and we have children. It was scary, but not my worst experience. That was in the summer woke up in ITU on a ventilator having stopped breathing and had a cardiac arrest! Very traumatic, still gives me nightmares. X

  6. We just took our puppy up the road for a walk. 5mins literally as I was starting to stiffen up...though now im in more pain than before. Whoops. Ah, thats good that your. Getting some financial help, sadly, we need to get everything we are entitled to now a days just to survive. Omg that really isnt a great experience at all, you really have had it tough. Sounds like your a fighter though. Are you getting psychological help with the nightmares. Ive just start getting help as well as im getting nightly nightmares and daily flashbacks that are really scaring me. Though, I would recommend getting one linked to asthma not just a general psychologist. Xx

  7. Take it easy, you don't want to over do things!! Hard to get the balance right. Must be tough not being able to work. Everything is expensive these days! I've been seeing a counsellor, its helped a bit but still get scared when I have a bad attack, always tell my other half "don't let them intubate me" For me waking up and not being able to move but feeling the tube in my throat was the worst part! I guess I'm quite stubborn and won't let this beat me! Take care and rest that hip! X

  8. It is extremly hard to get the balance right, and stupidly, because its a narrow country lane we live on I couldnt go in my wheelchair so had to walk with crutches so it was more agonising than I expected. Whoops. It is extremly tough, weve had to right down our income, outcomes and what we got left each month and then daily we have to deduct what weve spent off our actual "spending" money to ensure we dont run out. Its hell, constant worry about money, plus its boring. No interaction with anyone other that those in your house and internet etc. I totally understand where your coming from re the ventilator, ive told my partner the exact thing, as I hated it, I could feel and hear people whilst in the coma and it was a horrid sensation. I hope tjough that it never has to happen to you again!! Im back on the sofa now so rest is back in action lol xx
