Sunday 23 February 2014

Feeling Low!!

I had a bit of a high moment around lunch time when I was printing two certificates that ive achieved for my photography and I was also ironing on transfers to baby grows ive decided to pimp for my sisters baby, but thats been it really for today. When I woke up first thing, I really didnt want to get out of bed. I woke with yet another migrane and mentally I just felt shit...literally. About 10am came and I figured I should actually get on with the day. Once all the exciting printing and ironing was done, I was yet again left on the sofa. This is lethal for me. It gives my mind far to much time to be able to think of things. I dont think it helps with the fact ive had to wack up my steroids because my peak flow had plummeted. But when ever my steroids are played about with, it makes my head and thoughts that little bit worse. Im also crapping myself about the procedure im having on Tuesday in hospital. Some people may say ah its only a needle in your hip joint. But 95% of people having this procedure will be knocked out for it, im not allowed this because my lungs decide they no longer want to work during this time, so I gave to stay wide awake. Im going to see if I can have gas and air atleat as I really dont think im going to be able to cope with the pain otherwise. Fingers crossed my head starts sorting itself out pretty soon as internally its starting to stress me out, and I really dont want to take it out on the other half. Only time will tell!! TTFN XXXX


  1. Hiya just discovered your blog. Its been really interesting to read. I'm also a severe asthmatic, but at present I'm still able to work. So I count myself lucky on that front! Chin up and good luck for your procedure on tuesday. Jules x

  2. Hi Jules, thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Means a lot. Your really lucky to still have ur job, enjoy it to the full just incase, and dont let anyone muck you around. Thanks for the good luck, im hoping I can still have it has had to do a few b2b nebs tonight. Time will tell.

  3. Yep my work have been very supportive. I've only got this bad in the last 18 months. Had a fair bt of time off but mostly I've kept going even when I really shouldn't have!! But may need more time as like u, have spent a lot of time nebbing today!! Stay positive xx

  4. Having a supportive work force is very much needed. My close work friend were fantastic and the ward sister couldnt have been any more supportive. It were hr and the pen pushers that said I had to go. My ward sister still emails me now asking how I am 2 years later. Try not to over do things though as it wont help in the long run. Plenty of arrangements can be put in place if u need it. Hope the nebbing is working ok for u!! X
