Friday, 28 November 2014
Sunday, 23 November 2014
My Life In A Nutshell
Dont worry, im not expecting you to know why this date is of any significant value to anyone as it doesnt have one. This date though is the last time i blogged about my medication. The treatment that keeps me going. In 2012 i was with consultants that really wanted to start from scratch. Reduce nearly all my meds and find out the best ones from me. That didnt happen. Instead, they started adding more in.
Today things are worse than before.
During a 24 hour period i take on average 64 tablets a day, 16 nebulisers minimum. A salbutamol inhaler. A nasal spray. A tablet inhaler twice a day. A TENS machine, morphine patch. Supplements and im also now on sub cut IgG infusions of 60mls a week.
I wish my life was counting other things instead of drugs, oxygen reading, pulse reading and peak flow reading.
I guess being in the UK i am extremely lucky, my medications get funded by the NHS and the government. I really feel for those in other countries that have to pay for their treatments and its in the thousands. If their insurance wont cover it, how does the government expect them to get the vital medication they need!?
I know one things for sure, if i didnt have this list of medications, i would be dead. If any asthmatic didnt have one single inhaler, they would be dead.
Asthma needs to be more recognised. I have been doing this blog now for near on 2 years and in those 2 years. Ive literallt have my blog viewed thousands of time. I just pray that just 10 of those thousands of people have gained a little more knowledge into the life of an asthmatic. That they can see its not just a few puffs of a blue inhaler. Its time consuming, mind and bodily draining, its demanding and most of all its life threatening.
Asthma needs a cure, can you help find it!?
On a different note, depression, this also is very life threatening and not enough people know about it. This week, Tuesday infact is my wifes 21st birthday and suffers from severe depression. With our housing situation this has meant that things have been getting worse again. I didnt know what to do, how to help her so,i gave her an early birthday present that she can focus on, and give a purpose of living for. I got her a guinea pig. We still dont have a name for her but she is 9 weeks old and such a character. Today is her first day with us and in ta time, she has climbed the curtain 3 times and climbed up the inside of my trouser leg twice. Shes blinking fast thats for sure
Well, i better be off, i have those drugs to go take so i can make it through the night as i am currently suffering yet another chest infection.

Friday, 21 November 2014
My Last Hope
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
New Beginnings
Before I go onto the main subject of the post i thought i would share with you all that last monday i finally got that lump that was growing pretty quickly in my mouth removed. I had to have surgery to have this done and i was awake throughout it all. It was not nice at all but its gone so im please. Sadly though because the surgeon had to remove soooo much tissue because of the size of the lump, there then wasnt enough tissue left to stitch the two sides together so i now have a huge lump in the floor of my mouth. Its weird as i can stick my tongue in it lol.
On other notes though, and back to the title, as of 1330 pm on Thursday 13th November,my self and my girlfriend offically became married. It was absoulty amazing and everythibg went as planned. I was so please and happy.
We stayed in a 4 star hotel for 4 nices and blinking heck we wasnt use to it. It was so strange saying can you add the meal to our tab etc instead of paying straight away. Weve decided though that we must go back. The treatment there was amazing and we went swimming aswell as it was all included in the price.
Our next big suprise is my wifes 21st birthday. All her presents are wrapped and ready, Now we just need the big day to arrive.
Friday, 7 November 2014
A Positive End To The Week
Monday, 3 November 2014
Bones!! I Guess We Need Them
A few months back if you remember I told you a breif bit about my hip being crap and causing a lot of pain. I mad an MRI scan with Dye to try and figure out what was wrong following a steroid injection in theatre that didnt work. The scan showed that I had A labral tear that needed fixing. My current consultant was in Musgrove because of living in Somerset when I was refered there. They told me that they only do open surgery there. As i was now a resident of Cornwall they said they would transfer my care to a Consultant in St Austell because he can do the surgery via key whole. Perfect. Figured all i would need was a little hole being stitch up and on I go.
I had a consultation with him to which he asked me what it was I knew about me him to which i told him what I just told you. But he told me to wait there because it wasmmore complex than that. Wait what I never got told this. Why is this new to me!? He told me a breif outline about my hips not being thw right way. He thought at the time it was my sockets that was backwards so he done an xray on the day which showed my femurs sitting inside my pelvis which in itself isnt right. As these results werebt good he requested an urgent CT scan as noone seems to have wanted one of them yet.
Inwas supposed to get these result 5 weeks ago but he rang to cancel because he didnt have all the results back.
I finally got the appointment to go today at 0940.
I took my other half with me as its only fair that she knew what was going on and i figured that the consultant would be able to explain it easier than me.
So clinic. We sat down and to be honest i was shitting myself. I was mega scared but didnt show it because i didnt want to worry my other half.
He pulled up my CT scans (which might i add was bloody amazing) and showed us the results. Firstly he apologised because he said it was more severe than what he first thought and told me. So whereas we thought i just had the tear and high sittong femurs it turns out ive got:
A lip of overgrown bone at the back of the ball head of my femur which is causing the ball to catch on the socket which in turn is causing my hip to pop out of place multiple times a day.
I next got told that my ball itself is facing the wrong way by 15degrees which is why i cant put my legs into certain positions and why when i sit certain ways my right leg is shorter than my right because as its rotating its rotating the wrong way.
As all this was supposed to be found when i was a child and fixed it has now caused severe artheritis in my hip because of all the damage.
The consultant has stated he has never seen this extent of damage and mis growth in someone of my age. Great.
I will need surgery i cant be like this.
He said he will focus on my right him first as it is causing the most pain and once the right side has healed he will move onto my left hip.
So, the surgery, the first stage we are trying under spinal block a key hole procedure to which he will scrap away the lip of overgrown bone and hopefully get a better picture of the artheritis and try and sort it out abit. If this doesnt really do much it then leads us to stage 2 of the surgery. This is even more major surgery than before and i will need a general to sedate me. During this procedure he will break my femur in half and will take the top half of the femur out, rotate it by hand to the position it should b and then re put it back into the socket and reattach everything. The 3rd stage in many many ears to come is total hip replacement which the artheritis will cause.
Like i say once the right side is done i will then need all of this on my left.
What pisses me off the most is the fact that not only was this ignored throughout my whole childhood but for the last 2 years ive been told constantly that the pain is psychological and that theres actually not anything wrong. As a result of their neglegence i am now suffering the consequences and getting chronic pain and needing major surgery twice over.
I dont understand how our lives can be so miss treated through the hands of people we are supposed to trust.
Its shocking and shouldnt be allowed.