Friday, 23 October 2015
Challenging times
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Not Much To Say
Sunday, 4 October 2015
slowly Returning
Monday, 27 April 2015
Still fighting On
Not sure if you can remember from my last blog but a lot has been happening since i have been admitted to the Mental Health unit.
Ive finally managed to drop my twat of a consultant and have one who actually give a flying feck abd has actually got the ball rolling on things
2 weeks ago he started me on a medication callee sertraline. Sadly after 2 doses i had to stop as it really messaed my heart up. I have though been put on another mesication called matazapien! (Sorry about spelling,dyslexia sucks). At the beginning it was great, really noticed a difference in my sleep pattern in particular but annoyingly its no longer happening. Thankfully ive a ward round tomorrow and i can see what else can be done.
Whilst ive been in hospital, which has been since 30th January, ive felt beywond suicidal and sadly attepted to take my own life. To which i was extremly close o all 6 occasion.
Thankfully though although i still dont want to live im not actually trying to take my life any more. So i guess theres a slight increase in my mood.
Things r getting tough though and my restraint for not self harming is getting redoculously hard but i have to keep remind myself to stop. Not just for me but because my nephews chrestening on may 10th and i need to b off line od sight before i can go anywhere. I also need to get leave from the ward off the doctor because annoying, through the lack of doctoriness from the previous ass. It was too risky to keep me informal.
I really hope that things will start changing soon.
Sorry its a short update but im starting to feel a little shit just writing this. Fingers cross a few more weeks and ill be reborn.
Hope your all well
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Frustraistion, Upset and confusion
Unfortunalty 5 weeks on and I am still in hospital. To some yes this way seem that its not that long a time compared to some but for me its my longest ever stay and i hate it.
On Sunday i had another asthma attack that came on out of the blue, scared the shit out of me and ended up getting me sectioned for a short space of time.
I didnt want treatment. I want to b left to die but because i got transfered from the mental health hospital to the general hospitsl they kind of used it against me and sectioned me and forced the treatment on me which mega cheesed me off.
A physoclogist has seen me on the qard and my PTSD scoring has gone from 54 to 86 which aparentlt is through the roof and they are not happy with things being left any longer as its going to make me even more suicidal and my self harming is just going to continue increasing.
When i first got admitted here i told them i would do anything to kill myself. Ive tried 4 times but annoyingly have been found each time. One time by the skin of my teeth though as i was in a pretty bad shape aparently.
I just want all this to be over. I want my legs to start working again. I want my lungs to start working and and i want my head to realise it cant control me any more.
All that being said though, i doubt itll be achieved...
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Hospital, Asthma And Mental Illness
Saturday 31st January 7am i woke with a very rude awakening, yet another asthma attack. Its never nice waking up struggling to breathe, having a peak flow of 90 and sats of 81% so we got an ambulance straight away.
By the time i got to resus i was shattered. All the usual drugs were given and ICU had been contacted. They came to visit me in resus and all i remember is waking with the ICU consultant holding ny head and holding a bag and valve mask to my face as he was bagging me.
So, as you can probably guess i went to resus and was on NIV for 24 hours.
Once my gases had stabilised i begged to leave ICU because of the trauma it causes me so thankfully they got me to the ward pretty quickly. U fortunatly,the first night on the ward there was a crash call put out for me.and the resus trolly placed next to my bed. The ICU cons then rushed me for an urgent CT scan to make sure i had no clots as my gases were shocking. Thankfully i didnt but i did however have double pneumonia and some shadows on my lungs. The pneumonia had been treated and ive gotta go back when more stable to have biopses on my lungs to figure out what the shadows are.
Three days later i was getting better and my consultant wanted to see how my heart was doing as he though he could hear issues. So off i pop for the scan and guess what, i have fluid building up on my heart. Perfect. So now i need a second heart scan this sunday to see how fast it is building up.
Thursday morning I started to feel a little better and even managed to put on a film. 10 minutes in and now i have no recollection of what went on. I only know what ive been told because i went unresponsive. They think that this is a result of my asthma attack and my body being extremely exhausted. Nothing could wake me. They put stupid amounts of pressure on my chest, collar bones and eye sockets abd it didnt wake me. Aparently they also put in an oral airway and i even tolerated that. I am now sacred shitless that thisll happen with every attack i have.
My consultant has now also started me on hypertonic saline nebs to try and shift the rediculous amounts of mucus i have building up. At the moment all is going good though it is making me mouth stupidly sore.
Following all this, it has really fucked up my head and i really dont want to live anymore. So i finally managed to build up the courage to tell the staff at hospital how i felt about my suicidal intentions abd as a result ive been admitted to a secure mental health unit.
All this happened on my birthday and it sucks. What a great birthday.
I got put on level three line of sight because of the risks and my intentions to die.
The second night of my being here i really did just have enough so tide stuff around my neck. Sadly though about 5 minutes later i got caught. Needless to say im mega pissed off.
Ive also managed to get hold of things and cut up my arm aswell. All of this because of stupid PTSD abd flashbacks from ITU admissions. I really want this to end. If not the flash backs then my life...
Friday, 30 January 2015
So yet again life has been turned right upside down and all over the place.
On tuesday i was due to have my hip surgery. I had everything sorted mentally etc because i had been having therapy. We r then sat there, all paperwork filled in and every member of the team has spoke to me, then low and behold after 3 hours of bwing bumped we then get told er sorry ur surgery has had to be cancelled as theres no ITU bed for if its needed post op. Was so pissed off as u can imagine. It has now been rebooked for the 24th of February and fingers crossed itll go ahead this time.
In other news, after signing up to do dog fostering last wednesday we were super pleased to learn we had passed. We got told initially that we wouldnt be able to foster untill Dixie had beeb spayed which we figured was fair enough BUT four hours after our home check and we had a phone call, they want us to foster a dog. Yay.
We picked him up on Sunday, his name is Diesel (no we didnt pick it) and he is a minnaturet Staffy. He is absolutly adorable but hes extremely tough to look after. Each day he wakes though he is getting better. He still has some aggression when he has to do something he doesnt like, for example getting out the car and he also has extremely bad food aggression. Sadly thatll take a while to go because hes just not use to having regular meals. He has really bad seperation anxiety also so the minute myself or my wife leave the room he howls the place down. Sadly that may never go.
On sunday we also had to rescue a rabbit. He was in such a bad shape u am totally suprised that he is still alive. We have managed to sort his hutch so its now in a liveable condition,weve also cut his nails and also brush half his fur. I say half because it is in such a bad state that we really dont want to traumatise him so we are giving him breaks inbetween time.
For now though life really isnt that much different.
Im starting to feel really poorly again though. Really drowsey and pain in my lungs. I blinking hope its just a passing cold =(
Well i best be off. Sounds like some pooches need fussing!!
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Stress Stress Stress
Round two of my eye movemwnt therapy for my PTSD was on Monday. Prior to arriving i was actually shitting myself, i really didnt want to go purly because last week after my last session was hell. I felt shit, wanted to commit suicide and just felt rubbish, so you can see why i didnt want this week to happen.
Well the session itself was a pretty bad one and i could actually only do half an hour as a result and the therapist knew it was bad with how things went.
After the session we went shopping and i went home and slept just as i was told to as i dint want any bad effect because of not doing what i was told. Unfortunatly though, it wasnt untill about 9pm that things started going really bad again. Thankfully i had an amazing friend at the end of the phone i could text as i didnt want to worry my wife. I felt so weird though. I didnt feel like my body was my own. I was shaky. Jittery and beyond scared. I ended up having to taken more morphine than usual to try and calm my system down. It knocked me to sleep as you can imagine and thankfully by the time i woke the next day things had been a little more easier to cope with.
I think once my surgery is over next week things may get a little easier for me.
On Tuesday my wife went to the doctors for a bloody test. Im not going to tempt fate but the result should be in today. Weve rung aleady but sadly they arnt back as of yet so we are going to have to ring tomorrow.
On wednesday I felt like we needed to do something for ourselves and to help others. Im going through a huge phase of wanting to help others so i signed myself and my wife up to foster poorly and abandoned dogs. Today we had a suprise phone call from a homechecker as we had passed the first stage and she wanted to come out and visit us today. Well that check has just been completed and we have passed. Yay!! Heres to helping more lost pooches.
Well ill probably not be blogging untill after my surgery now so hope you all have a gokd weekend.
Saturday, 17 January 2015
Severe PTSD
Following my disagnosis last January I have been really struggling to actually get the therapy I need. Firstly nobody wanted to take actual responsibility for it so nobody actually wanted to start the treatment. I am guessing because of funding.
Well last Monday I finally got my first session of treatment. Its called Eye Movemrnt Therapy.
Basically my consultant gets me to follow and object for a certain number of repetetive movements over a period of time.
Sadly I cant go into much more detail other than to tell you it went ok. It has something to do with the way the treatment works.
My consultant told me that I would be sleepy and that i must go home to sleep. Unfortunatly my other half wanted to see her mum on the way home so that didnt happen. As a result I became an emotional wreck. Not realising its because of the treatment I literally couldnt do anything without crying, thinking i was a failure or wanting to kill myself again. I just didnt know what to do and to be honest im now not looking forward to this weeks treatment on Monday.
I know i have to be honest with my Consultant though and I have to tell him exactly how i felt else it could be completly pointless me continuing this.
I just hope it starts to work. I know each time my asthma flares I will need treatment for my PTSD but i guess this is just another one of those diagnosis im going to have to deal with long term.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
So it seems i am 10 days late in wishing everyone a happy new year but we have a good excuse.
On the 23rd of December, my beautiful wife and myself finally got the keys to a lovely flat. One that we can call home.
Thanks to kind and generous people, we have been able to get a man with a van to move all our kit from our temporary home to our new flat and we have also been able to decorate 3 rooms with just the hallway to go. We are not doing the bathroom as i have contacted social services to have a wet room put in.
On Christmas day we also got our beautiful Dixie back and spent christmas with my family. With it being my nephews first christmas it was absolutly fantastic. Really loved it. But had to come back on boxing day to get this new flat suiteable for us to live in.
As a new found family, we celebrated new years together in our new home which was lush. We all had a yummy duck roast, including Dixie. Although hers was her dog meat. Lets just say it turns out she loves a good roast.
In December too, we had been given three donations from a lovely sperm donor that we have me. Since this, my wife hasnt as of yet had a period. As of today she is now 14 days late. We have done a test but it is saying negetive so we have contacted the doctor and he has told us that unfortunatly for many women they dont produce enough hormone to activate a home test so we have to wait another 2 weeks to see if she misses another period. If she doens then we have to go back to the doctors for a blood test. Really hope thag we are pregnant. This will be a dream come true. I really want to be a mum.
This month also i have been given a diagnosis for my Primary Immune Deficiency. I have hypogammaglobulinaemia. Yes it is a real word. Pretty spectacular. Hopefully though with having a diagnosis and a treatment we can finally get things under control.
I have also been give a date for my hip surgery and i am being admitted on the 27th January to have it done. Lets just say i am shittong myself. Mainly because the aneasthetist i saw was such a twat in that he wouldnt listen to me about my reaction to Generals and that i stop breathing. I am meant to be having a spinal but i actually have no idea what is going on anymore.
Sadly also i have yet another infection. I waited 3 days trying to sort things out on my own but i was just getting worse and worse. By the time i went to the doctors, half of my right lung wasnt working and the base of my left lung wasnt working. My peak flow was shocking and i generally felt like crap. So im on antibiotics and high steroids again for both the infection and pleurisy that i have. Lets hope i can shift it before my surgery.
Well i am exhausted so off to take a nap.
Hope everyone had a great new year and that 2015 brings you everything you want