Monday, 26 May 2014


Where have I been? That is a good question. So far this weekend I have been in bed and in hospital, but suprisingly not for my lungs.

On Friday morning I knealt down to tidy up Dixies toys and the shreaded cardboard. As my knee hit the floor I was in tears. Something happened to my knee.

I ignored it for 3 days thinking it was following having the dye in my hip on Thursday as the Consultant said it can cause pain in my leg.

Come Sunday I was in even more pain. I couldnt bend my knee without being in complete agony. My knee was giving way, is swollen and my knee cap was moving around more than it should do.

Last night I couldnt take it any longer. I cant do what I originally planned which was wait till Tuesday to go to my GP.

And a good job aswell

I went to hospital and I had an examination and an x-ray and then a senior Consultant came to see me. I knew then that things werent good

It turns out I have torn the ligaments thats around my knee. They also think I have damaged the part of my knee called the maniscus but they cant pull my leg around enough to assess it so I have to go back to hospital in 8 days as they think the swelling should have reduced and the pain would have settled abit. I then find out whether i have to have my leg immobilised or not.

For now though I have been told i cant weight bare on my leg, and i have to rest with good pain thats why I have been stuck in my bed all weekend.

Great hey



Friday, 23 May 2014

Anything Else Want To Come My Way?!

Sorry for not posting yesterday but I was so overwhelmed with information I just couldnt bring myself to sharing it.

I was at Musgrove park hospital in Taunton for a MRI on my hip.

I had to be there for 0920 in the morning as first up i had to have a massive needle poked into my hip joint again to have dye pumped straight into it. This was done under xray guidance. Initially all was going ok, then suddenly I felt very sick, went mega dizzy and from what i can gather, the colour drained from me and i went spaced out. Next thing i know both the nurse at my head and the consultant injecting me was asking if i was ok.

The whole team on this first stage was fantastic.

Following this i then went round to the MRI scanner. I got told that i would only be about 10 minutes...2 and a half hours later im finally back with my other half who had been going frantic and worrying mega because i had been so long.

off we toddled to the cafe though where i had a coffee to wake me up again for the journey back home. Fingers crossed itll only be a few weeks and ill have the result and find out what treatment i need.

Once home i had to ring my GP to update them on the new drugs ive started and i also wanted to check both my sputum and blood tests that i had done on Monday.

I was so pissed. The receptionst told me that yes the result were in but i had to physically come in to see the doc to discuss the result...and the next nearest appointment was 3 weeks away. I obviously refused this and said ill sort something, but in the meantime could the doctor ring me so i can tell them about my new medications...cheeky me then mentioned the blood results to the doctor when they rang me back and bloody hell im friggin glad i did. It was with regards to my phosphate again...and it remain critically low. Ulyour levels are meant to be 2.4 and above...mine was 0.6 so its no wonder im struggling so much so ive now been started on phosphate supplements and need regualr blood tests

As youve probable guessed following all this had 100% exhausted me so i went off to sleep...only to be woken up at midnight having a massive allergic reaction...gradually throughout the day i had been getting itchier and itchier and then by midnight i also had a full body rash. I could put my finger on what was causing it annd initially i thought it might have been the uniphylin...with taking this mornings dose and having no reaction it then clicked, it started straight after i had the dye put in my hip...and had been getting worse throughout the evening making me feel shit, so i guess thats another drug i can no longer have. Perfect.

I woke up this morning in agony though. I know the consultant warned me that with certain people, depending on what hip injury they have they can have bad pains through out the whole leg for the next few days..mand boy was he right. I could barly walk to day and i cant bend my knee without crying out in pain. I just hope it doesnt hang around.

Today i have officially made 35 baby hats so my first NICU box is complete. Im going to do another fair few amounts of hats though before i send them off as i want to get a great picture to send into asthma uk to show them the progress...please look through my previous blogs to find my just giving page...we really need more donation!!



Wednesday, 21 May 2014


As hospital appointments go, this has to be the most mind boggling, confusing and destressing to me mind.

Some might say "but it was just a respiratory appointment" but to me, it leads to more things i have to deal with.

In short, my ENO was double what it normally is, im not sure of the number, thats just what my consultant told me.

He has also put me back on aminophilline tablets. He said my peak flow diary that i done for 2 months showed so much change daily and pre and post neb that he hopes that this could atleast make some changes even if minor.

He has also said that hes thinking of giving me regular infusions for my immune system. Aparently all my bloods are critically low and this could be the cause for all my viral and bacterial infection which is the main cause for my flare ups.

My next few questions for him with regards to this if it turns out that i need infusions is A whether i can have a port a cath and b is it possible for me to b able to be trained to do the infusions at home so i dont have to travel an hour each time just to get to hospital and then and hour home.

He is also requesting that i have another Dexa scan as its been just over 2 years.

Lastly he is organising a overnight sleep study test as he thinks i may have either sleeep apnea or because i produce so much gunk in my lungs, it is clogging my airways causing my lungs to not work properly which in turn is causing my rubbish nights sleep, exhaustion and constant headaches.

one bonus to the appointment is that he has agreed with me that if i was to start immunotheraphy treatment, and it improves my general health and lack of infection, we can try and start sorting out both my steroid tablets and steroid nebs to either a lower dose or maybe/ possibly, coming off them all together. This is a HUGE maybe though as ive been on them continuosly for over 4 years now.

It has been very stressful, so much so as soon as i got home i went to bed and fell asleep for 2 hours. Suprising how exhausting one hospital appointment is. Mentally though im still trying to take it all in. I keep think what ifs...for example, what if my last 5 consultants acutally paid attention to my bloods instead of fobbing them off... why didnt they investigate further when they kept telling me hmm u dont have an immune system do you. Would my life be like this now!?

I guess we will never know

Im off now though as i have yet another hospital appointment tomorrow.



Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Flipped Around

Everyones entitled to the otherside of the story, the good, the oppsite, the happiness... Well im glad you said yes because today has benn mine and my girlfriends day. Finally. For me, I have knitted 5 more baby hats which make 24 in total and on 4926 more to knit. I have also now raised £110 for AUK and I also managed to get out in my wheelchair for a stroll with my other half and Dixie. But thats not all- my amazing girlfriend has also had great news. Since weve change our diets to being beyond healthy and also stepped up the exercise game, her cholesterol levels have dropped. I was starting to get really worried last year as her level came back at 7.1 which is extremly high and meant she could literally dropped dead from a heart attack or stroke at any point. Last week she had this blood test repeated and her level is now 6.4. Ideally we need it to b at least 5 and even then thats at the higher end of the limits. So we have a little more work to go, but knowing that what we are doing is correct, and that her risk of dyeing from a heart attack has been reduced, we are that little bit happier. Now just to continue our fight with healthiness.I also managed to get my old phone changed over to allow an orange sim to work in it so she also has a nice new smart phone to which shes never had one before. Excitedly as well, the 5 caterpillars that we have been growing for the past 11 days have finally grown into thir chrysilists (please excuse my spelling). We have to leave them 3 more days in their little tub to allow their shells to harder and then we need to trasfer them to their new habitat where we will look after them for 14 days so their wings can strengthen and then we will release them. Being able to help the enviornment gives a sense of happiness in a different form. One you cant explain. Well, I am off to plymouth tomorrow for my lung review. Im praying I can get more treatment. Better control. We will see as only time will tell hey. TTFN XXXX Ps, please keep sharing my just giving page and also fly by with a donation. You would make me so happy.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Busy Bee

Alarms should not have been inveted. I hate them. I had to wake up early this morning because I had to go to the GP to have blood taken. I initially thought this day was going to be hell because the steroid nasal spray I ordered last week hadnt been authorised by the doctor. Its meant to take 24 hours, im currently on day 7 so now and urgent message had to be re sent to the doctor. I then went to log in to say I had arrived for my bloods - and the computer crashed, so I cued up and had to register like the good old days...the lady at reception was being so slow that by the time it was my tern, it was then showing I was ten minutes late. Not impressed. I should have my blood tests by Friday though and we will be able to see whether im going to need more medication for my phosphate. When we got home, as I was down stairs, me and the other half decided to finish the run we had built so that our three boys could finally run around again. We are so impressed with our handy work, what do you think:
After this I had to drop my other half into benardos so she could do her good deed of the week and I went home to bed as I was exhausted much so I fell asleep untill she came home again which was roughlu 4.5 hours. Whoops. Its ok though, I made up good time by knitting 3 more baby hats this morning. It is coming along quickly now. Ive completed 19 altogether now and I have another potentially 2 people donating more wool to me to complete my challenge. Tonight I made my smallest hat so far, here is a picture of it next to my ventolin inhaler for a comparison:
Please continue to support me by donating just a small amount and also sharing my just giving page: Tonight me and the lady have also put a menu together for our wedding meal and sent it back to the hotel we want to go to for pricing so hopfully by the end of next week we gave get our invites sent out. Im day as you can see has been rather scatty, but it has exhausted me so much that I am just finishing my physio and im off to try and sleep. TTFN XXXX

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Cant Wait

Last night myself and my partner bidded on yet another 3 properties with in Cornwall so that we can get a place of our own. Thats 4 now in total. Im praying so hard that our dreams come true pretty pronto. The reason I say this is because my other half has reduced her happy pills (antidepresents) to one a day because as you know we are trying to start a family and these tablets at a higher dose can cause harm to the unborn child. Annoyingly though, a few things have happened over the last 24 hours to which has made here very pissed off, agitated and angry...she has told me that she has felt low and not know how to control her emotions. The reason for this annoyance is because of her parents. They still remain to treat her and me infact as a child. Not being funny but im 23 and shes nearly 21, were no wgere near children any more so we dont need to be spoken to like shit, we dont need to be asked every five minutes where we are going, what we are doing and why we are doing certain things. We need our independance. We had a great day out at a national trust place this morning where my other half kindly pushed me in my chair, Dixie splashed around in the river and then we had a picnic. We then came home and finished building our rabbit run for the three boys and then ended up spending the rest of the day in our room because in the breif 1 hour of us being amongst her parents they had stressed us out so much that we literally couldnt hack it any more. Dont get me wrong her parents are amazing just like many, but they need to stop treating us like a child. Unfortunatly we are still on the lowest banding for the council housing list so unless we are really lucky it doesnt look like we are going to be getting a place of our own any time soon. Living independently is going to push our money to the very max, but life would be happier, we could be ourselves and we can do what ever we like in our time and on our terms. Fingers crossed it happens soon. In other news, I have knitted another 4 hats today which gives me a grand total of 16. Just another 14 to go and my first NICU box is ready to be sent. Please keep donating for me. The support is very much needed. Asthma needs to have better treatments. Asthma needs a cure. TTFN XXXX

Saturday, 17 May 2014


In a few previous posts i have told you about a challenge i have set myself.

Because i have become a lot worse both muscles wise and lung wise i am pretty much stuck in bed unless its for an appointment and then im stuck in wheelchair.

So instead of sitting here feeling more sorry for myself i decided to set my set a challenge of knitting 4950 baby hats. 30 for every NICU unit throughout England.

I have so far knitted 12. 4 today alone.

Although they are hats for NICU units I have decided I want to raise money for a charity very close to my heart. Thisll be my second time raising money for them...


Are my choose charity.

Your support will do me wonders. I have set up a just giving page so please please please support me by donating and sharing my page amongst your friends.

You could save my life by finding research to give me a better medication. You could chanhe my life around!!

Here is my page, keep sharing and please donate. It only has to be a small amount

Your page:




Its weird coming back home. Back to reality.

After taking my lady and my pooch away it has reminded me just how lucky i am. How perfect my partner is. How my life would be so different without her in it.

On wednesday we ran around packing and loading the car and made the journey to paignton. Thankfully we picked the right time to go camping. Right on the heatwave.

After we had finally set up our new home for the next two night we went and explored the site. Admittedly we would recommend it to anyone. It was perfect. A well kept site with amusement barn, shop, cafe, bar and a lifegaurded pool. It was just pure bliss. After exploring the site we then made our way into paignton harbour. we found a lovely dog friendly beach and took Dixie for a paddle...well we tried. Shes not really a huge fan of noisey sea so she kept running away when it got to close to her.

We chuckled when we got back to the site as there was another green vango tent pretty similar to ours next to us...and it turns out they drove the same car as us...and they were gay too...we actually couldnt believe how weird it was.

The next day we had set out to go for a stroll in some woods. it was beautiful. Nicely shaded in areas also which helped us all out. I had promised my lady an ice cream the day before also so on our way back i kept my promise and got her what ever one she liked.

When we got back, admittedly i was exhausted. It was my first time out and about since my recent admission so i was beyond tired and in agony. So keeping to tradition -i fell asleep for a few hours in the afternoon.

Whilst driving to our holiday on wednesday, i had found out that a my lady had never been to brixham and b she had never been crabbing, so i decided that friday as it was our last day i would take her there and help build some great memories.

We had yet more amazing weather and my other half managed to catch two crabs...then drop them so never really got to see what they were like up close haha.

With being by the harbour we had to have fish and chips of course and they were absolutly amazing...couldnt of asked for anything more perfect to eat and of course i had to show my other half the best ice cream shop in brixham...and buy us each one tehe.

Sadly though the fun could last forever and we had to come home...though we stopped via totnes to visit a farm shop that our friend told us about and we purchased so lovely sour dough bread and traditional dandelion and burdock and also a cloudy lemonade.

The farm shop was called riverford farm shop and thet camp site was called whitehill country park for anyone who is interested.

We have all had an amazing time and it was great to get away, be ourselves and actually rest and help recover.

To keep the highs going we had to do something amazig today so...we purchased more baby items and also booked our honeymoon...were off for a 3 day break in a spa...excited!!



Monday, 12 May 2014

Dont Jinx It

Im not sure whether itll be premature to share even more good news or not but im finally happy that things might be starting to look up a little.

This morning myself and my other half went to the doctors to discuss her tablets. The reason for this is that we want her to be as healthy as possible for getting pregnant and of course we dont want her to be on any tablets that may cause harm to the baby.

The doctor was amazing, he discussed everything. Even things concerning me and i dont even go to that practice. He adjusted my partners medication and said he wanted to see us both in a month to see how we were getting on.

Following the great doctors review, we then text our donor explaining the recent circumstances and asked whether he would still be willing to donate even though it wasnt going to be me carrying anymore. He said yes. He was also very kind to us about the situation and how it has come about which i also thought was good natured of him.

Once all this was done, i had to take my other half to her volunteering job. Yesterday she baked some cakes as it was a birthday at the shop and she made an extra one for us to eat at home. They were friggin amazing. She made the same for my birthday in february and she bettered herself. My lady really does have fantastic talent.

In other news, I had a gentleman from Asthma UK ring me to discuss fundraising ideas with him. Hes amazed at the challenge i have set myself despite my deterioration in health and has sent me all the paperwork to fil in to get started. Once all that has been sent back ill be setting up a justgiving page and im going to try my hardest to raise as much money as humanly possible. We really need to find a better treatment if not a cure for Asthma.

Ive also managed to knit another hat tonight so i have a grand total of 7 now. I fear it still may take me a along time as it really hurts my muscles and joints but i think once the task is complete im going to be so chuffed!!

Hopfully you guys would sponsor me!?

On a sad note today ive had two allergic reactions today and my skin has felt like it has literally been on fire all day. Ive been in agony. I really hope i figure out wjat an earth is causing all these reactions!!



Sunday, 11 May 2014

Just A Few Hours Of Normality

Some may say that 2 and a bit hours out the house for some "normality" is pathetic, but for me, it took every last inch of breath and energy.

I saw a banner a few weeks ago for a festival in Lostwethial called Lostfest so i decided that myself and my partner deserved a break from the house and we went a long.

Granted it wasnt as good as we hoped it would be but the rain stayed away and at the end of it we saw something other than the four walls of our bedroom.

On the way back we stopped by a huge discount store called trago and we picked ip another 4 balls of wool. I then completed 2 more baby hats and a templete for some scratch mittens.

Of course just doing this few hours of stuff exhausted ne beyond beleif and i used a whole inhaler whilst out and about. Both my lungs and muscles really struggled to cope. As a result i then slept for 4 hours this afternoon trying to recover.

Dont get me wrong, i love the fact i have got out the house eventually just to mosey around, but im still cheesed off for what it done to my body as a result.

I cant wait to start feeling "human" again. What ever that is. As i can no longer remember!



Saturday, 10 May 2014

Typical Day

For me the weekend doesnt really change from any other day of the week. Other than the shops being busy and you see more people walking about the village, its all just another day for me.

I decided last night that it was time for my hair to have a change again. I jeeded a fresh look. Make myself feel good.

So, me being me the minute i woke, i done my usual routine and then we headed off to asda to buy dye.

Although me hair is blonde, i decided i wanted it blonder so we go a bright bleacg blonde. I also wanted to add some colour too so we got a bright pink too. My partner got black. Talk about complete opposites lol.

Once all my hair was dyed blonde, my partner cut it for me, re done my shaven patch and upon my request i got her to put two zig zag lines across my shaven patch. When the pink was ready to b applied, we done my usual fringe bit and also the zig zags. With having pre lightened my hair it now looks friggin amazing. Nice an bright and colourful. Although my partner used the same pink, because she dyed her hair black initially, hers turned out a plum colour which for her looks stunning.

Just doing this though completly exhausted me so i had to go back to bed...three hours later im awake not realising how exhausted i must of been. I do get annoyed by this. For the average person, they would dye and cut their hair after a 6 hour day at work or something very similar and not be anywhere near as tired as me. I do wish some days that my life wasnt like this.

When i eventually woke up properly, i was extremly itchy, so i put on my glasses and i could see why. I was having yet another full blown reaction. I was as red as a beetroot and my lips were double to size. Eventually after 6 antihistames, things started to return to their usual self, and no epi pen was needed but i think if these antihistamines hadnt of kicked in, i would have been stabbing myself in the leg again!!

Ive also managed to knit another 2 hats today so i now have 5 in total ready to send to my first NICU unit. Only another 25 to go and thre gift box will be off to the post!!

Untill next time...



Friday, 9 May 2014

Excitment Ahead

Ok so I cant actually contain it any longer...

Myself and my partner has as of today booked our wedding...we can legally call each other wifey and hersband as of 13th November 2014 at 1330 hours!!

I am so excited!!

I know on the other hand that shit will come of this as we are not inviting any guestes. We are literally having our two best friends as our witnesses and our one best friends little boy as a ring holder. Weve decided to do it this way though because A we actually cant afford a massive do and B partying and standing up infront of a mass load of people not only isnt our thing but it scares the crap out of me.

What we have decided to do though is book a little village hall at some point next year where we can have a gathering of all our family and friends and say new vows to each other. This of course being when we both have enough confidence and money.

The best thing about us getting married this November is that now, any children that we are going to have can legally have both of our names on threir birth certificate where as before they couldnt. So our children will literally and officially be ours.

Ok etxcitment over for now



Thursday, 8 May 2014


For me today has been reasonably ok. Ive literally only been able to get out of bed twice though literally today. On the second occasion i collapsed also which was a gutting blow.

Myself and my partner had a great zebra baby grow arrive today for our future child. Its blinking lush. Yes you may say but your not pregnant, but for us, because we cant work, our theory is if we start buying things gradually over the months, our baby will have everything they need and deserve and can have the best start in life.

I also had my birthday present arrive. My DIY 35mm slr camera.

After just under 2 hours, I had completed the challenge of my big build and it absolutly shattered me...I ended up falling asleep for an hour and a half afterwards just to recover but im pleased with the end result. Now just to get 35mm film.
In other news though my lady has had terrible period pains. Ok i suffer from other sorts of pains but ive been lucky in the sense ive never had period pains. She was in tears and i had no idea what to do to help her other than drug her up on pain releif. She ended up curled up next to me with a hot water bottle and thankfully a few hours later everything had settled down again. God knows what shes going to be like during labour if this was painful for her though ha. Ive gotta try and get my arse out of bed tomorrow though as Dixie has the vets so untill tomorrow... TTFN XXXX

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Goals And Challenges

After my shit news yesterday about potentially not being able to have children, I decided to set my self a challenge. Whilst I was in hospital last week, a very good friend of mind suggested I start knitting, it doesnt take much muscle mass to do and certainly doesnt take and lung power, so off I pop to youtube and have so far self taught myself how to make baby hats. I have currently made 2 for mine and my partners future children, I am hust waiting for more wool to arrive in the mail and ill be making my sisters baby a hat and ive also currently made two others of different sizes. These extra two hats are going towards my challenge. My challenge being that im going to make 30 baby hats for every NICU unit in England to which there are 165. So that roughly 4950 little baby hats I have set my self to knit. This for me would be an ace goal to achieve, not only because its keeping me busy but also, I cant do things like donate blood or stem cells any more because of my deterioration in gealrh so doing this will make me feel mentally great about being able to help both the tiny little babies who are poorly and also their families because not many clothes fit such small children. On average at the moment im making one hat a day as it does cause me cramps so I fear it could take me a little while to achieve my challenge, but im sure I will feel fantastic when not only the first box is done but also the 165th box just like I felt great after I made the first hat. I will keep you all up to date with my progress of course. In other news today Ive not been to great. I went down stairs briefly today as we purchased Dixie a paddling pool because she loves water, but that small amount for "doing somethinf" totally exhausted me and ive been asleep all afternoon as a result. In good news though, myself and my partner have been in contact the the local registry office in Bodmin about booking our wedding. They are just sorting a few things put and will be getting back to us. Marriage for us is super important as it means that legalky when we have children, because we are married we are both legally allowed on the birth certificate so both play an equal, fair and legal role withing any future childs life. So, theres a lot to keep you posted with...untill next time... TTFN XXXX

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Another Appointment And Another Bit Of News

Firstly I forgot to say yesterday that I had the doctor ring me to update me about what they have found about my constant low Phosphate and that being: they need to do one more blood test to rule something out but ultimatly Im going to need supplements because my low phosphate is causing ny diaphram to not contract properly which in tern is reducing the amount of oxygen ive got pumping through my body...grand something else I have to battle with.

I also had another appointment in Derriford hospital in Plymouth today. It was with the immunology and allergy clinic. Initially I though this is going to be such a waste of time, they cant tell me anymore than what I know and as a result they cant actually do any more BUT that taught me.

The doctor was lovely, she talked through everything and explained why she had been asked ny lung doctor to review me. Aparently on the bloods they have taken it has shown that I have very little to if no immune system at all...lower than what it should be for a person on steroids so they have figured it is the huge reason for why I am contantly getting infections and constantly feeling poorly.

To see if they can find a treatment, I got given an injection on the spot and I have to have more bloods taken in 6 weeks time. It takes 1 month for the bloods to process ajd then ill get the results. If the bloods r still low following todays injection, I will either have to start more tablets or have an infusion or injections regularly all depending on my results.

She also stated me on a steroid nasal spray and changed me back to my old antihistamines but doubled the dose compared to what I was on.

Sadly though she did tell me that I shouldnt now or if at all every carry children. Not only could it kill me because my body wouldnt cope but half my meds would either harm my baby or cause further complications. Im gutted, there goes our plans for me to carry our first child. I mean its ok coz my partner can carry, but lets face it, its never going to be the same and ill technically never have a child of my own with my DNA etc. Theres always a bomb shell!!



Monday, 5 May 2014


Im home...thats the main thing. By this though im home in body, not in mind. Two weeks ago, my other half went out for a walk with Dixie. About half an hour later it started to happen. I was so scared. I had no idea how long she would be and I couldny get through to her as she had no signal. So I sat there waiting. Nebbing. Worrying. When my lovely lady returned she was worried. She called an ambulance straight away. Because of how long I was sat there on my own nebbing, by the time the ambulance crew came my chest was silent. Honestly though I was only sat there for roughly 45 minutes and then we were waiting about 10 minutes for tge ambulance crew so not really that long considering how I used to leave things whilst living in the city. Being rushed into resus I knew what was coming...shit loads of blood gases and boy wasnt I fight. The nurse that was assigned to me was initially nice...and then found out I was gay. She gave my partner the most filfiest look ever, then chucked a peak flow meter at me, then yanked the neb mask off my face half way through a neb and told me I need to stop panicking. By this point I was telling my other half, one more bit of nasty treatment and I was leaving and taking myself to plymouth. The doctot that was assigned to me initially didnt want me to have any drugs either. I told her what treatment I needed but she said I wasnt poorly enough. Off she sends me for another xray as the first wasnt all that clear and then come back to me and says "I would like to do another blood gas as the first two shows signs off deterioration. If this one does also ill put up some magnesium and we will have to get ITU to take a look at you". Funnily enough because treatment hadnt been started, my third blood gas was worse again. After one lot of IV antibiotics, my cannula tissued and my arm blew up. I told the doctor but they didnt believe me so left it 3 hours for my arm to shrink before running the magnesium through it. And guess what, my arm blew up again and they had to recanulate. By this point of course I had been moved to the medical admissions unit to be closely monitored. I think it was around 5 am (though not entirly sure as I was asleep) and I got woken by the lady doctor again asking if I was ok as my observations were going off the chart. She listen to my chest and the next thing I know shes running away from me. Then I heard it, she was on the phone to ITU. 4 more blood gases later, 15liters of oxygen on a rebreathe mask and finally the magnesium, oh and of course an ITU doctor. Thankfully though at this point the remained wanting to keep an eye on me. By the time alk this had happened it was now morning (officially in hospital world) and I had the day med reg come to see me who thankfully was a respiratory reg. She was not impressed with how I had been treated and demanded I needed IV aminophylinne immediatly. Once this was up and running, and I had all the oxygen running through for roughly 12 hours I started to feel a little better. The lovely resp reg came back to see me at 8pm to make sure I was ok before going home. We had a good old chat and she told me that she spoke to my team at derriford and new abit more about my asthma which was going to help her treat me. Unfortunatly though the next day she was in clinic and wasnt able to review me herself. Once all the aminophylinne had run through, my partner took me in my wheelchair out to the corridor on my oxygen to see my friend. She wasnt allowed on the ward because she has an 8 month old son which is fair enough. Whilst out in the corridor, the resp doc saw me and asked how I was. I told her the truth. I was starting to feel shit again since the drip had been down. By 9pm, I had 4 doctirs at my bed. The resp reg couldnt make it herself to see me but she sent a team of docs into review me. Suprise suprise my chest was back to being silent...AGAIN. Another dose of magnesium and more aminophylinne and we were going through it all again...and ITU looki g after me on the ward because there were no beds up in ITU. (This following bit I cant actually remember, its what my partners told me) The next day, I was very very sleeepy. After lunch I got up for a wee and then I remember no more. Aparently I was very sleepy and not really responding. I had more magnesium and of course the aminophylinne was still running. My partner got asked whether she wanted my mum to drive down because I was really poorly. The next thing I know, my mum and step dad, my mother in law, plus 3 docs, 2 nurses an ITU reg and an ITU consultant was at my bed...and I was off to intensive care. The next 24 hours was all a bit of a blur and I hated it. Thankfully though the ITU team were fantastic, though left me bruised from foot to wrist...literally as they started using my feet to get blood and give me drugs. It turns out that the whole of the lower half my lungs were fully of infection. The nasty thing is, because the Infection was irritating my lungs so much I had now started coughing up blood. I had physios and doctors all working with me to help me get better. A week later I felt better. I was no where near safe but I couldnt cope being on ITU so I asked to go home if there was no beds on the resp ward. My pf was still only 150 but I agreed to stay in bed and not move...and ive stuck to my word. The thi g that got me the most in ITU was a CODP man got rushed in 2 days after me. He started iff breathing on his own. It then mived to NIV. And then it moved to him being tubed. Everything I could hear was exactly like when I was tubed. I didnt sleep at all since that man arrived. Each time I closed my eyes I got flash backs and was terrified. So on the wednesday the docs agreed for my mental health It would be safe for me to go home. I have my partner here looking after me and ITU arranged for the early intervention team to pay me a few visits to make sure I was still going in the right direction. Now that im home though, im still not sleeping well. Im napping on and off throughoit the afternoon. Then I fall asleep at mindnight for an hour and then im awake again till 0630. I think sleep for roughly another 1 - 2 and then im awake again. I hate it. I just want to sleep and recover. Thankfully though, I have a great friend who stayed with me through facebook when my attack started two weeks ago and this same friend has allowed me to use her netflix account so that I can watch films through out the night on my kindle whilst my other half and pooch are asleep besides me. One bonus about being awake at 5am is that you get to hear the birds waking up as everything else is silent. Its actually very peacful. TTFN XXXX