With the weather being a little better today with respect to not actually raining we decided to do a random day out.
Our first port of call was to the Looe Food Festival. Our friend randomly told us about it last night so we decided why not. We purchased some pina colada curd (which we got around christmas from the same company and its REALLY good so we had to get more), we also got 1 apple and walnut bun. Its basically like a chelsea bun but dofferent flavours and because it was literally the size of my head we got one and shared it. Didnt want to eat more for the hell of it.
We also got a crepe each, but because we are cute, we got one sweet and one savory and shared them. Saves on money and calories ha.
Following the festival, we found a carboot sale so decided to make an random stop to have a nosey. We didnt get anything though as it was all a little cruddy.
As we had Dixie with us we decided to tae her to a place called Respryn which is part of a national trust place. She loves ot here as she can run in and out of the river and of her lead. Though my girlfriend spoke to soon. Just as she said "im so proud of Dixie, swimming and being so good in the water" - Dixie got stuck on a branch in a current by her harness. Thankfully she managed to wriggle out of her harness and get away. As i saw the harness still on the branch, i took of my shoes and socks and trousers and jumped (not literally) in the river to retrieve her harness. But by the time i got there it had literally vanished so a new harness has just been ordered. Typical!!
After all this though, i was so exhausted and have literally slept from the minute i got back which was about 3pm untill about an hour ago.
A bit or normality and im pooped!!